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On Vox: Some Short Notes on Film I have seen

So, the Cloverfield monster is not Godzilla.  It's not Mothra, nor is it the monster from that episode of Patlabor that "The Host" cribbed from.  It's something in between, I think.

I finally got to see Cloverfield and enjoyed the ride, I think that another version of it from the third person perspective might have been better though as the jackassery got a bit thick there.

The Monster was scary and the final fate of the Camera was given right up front so the ending wasn't really a surprise.  Which kind of sucks.

When I rode in this cab, the driver was Russian.  I enjoy many things Eastern European.  I imagine it is my Slavic (?) heritage (being part Polish on my Mother's Side)  that leads me to enjoy borscht and cabbage soups and Russian Mobster Movies.

Eastern Promise was awesome and I highly recommend it to people who like to watch a movie and just enjoy the acting, without comprehension of the dialogue.  There were whole swaths were I was getting by on the facial expressions alone.  Sometimes I picked up a word or phrase here or there that I recognized in contexts, but otherwise they could have been saying gabba gabba in inflected, serious tones and I would have still been transfixed.

I sussed the plot fairly early, so the big reveal later on in the movie was more of "for those of you who have not figured out this movie yet, here you go"

I was a big Buffy fan, seriously.  Still am, I guess.  I also loved "30 Days of Night" by Steve Niles.  I snagged a bunch of the books and even the "Vampire Tales" TPB.  So I was semi-excited about the movie.

Leave it to another Comic Adaption to suck the life from a good Vampire Tale (if you will excuse the pun). 

I liked Josh Hartnet.  I liked the actress who played Stella (Melissa George).  I liked the sets, I liked the setup.   Where did it all go wrong?  The Vampires, of course.

Spouting Gibberish and screaming like animals, they were scary but they were not creepy. The only Vampire that was "right" was the one that was ripped off from Stephen King.  If you rip off a Stephen King adaption for your movie Adaption, you should have your pen revoked.  Simple an plain.

Finally, I saw John Rambo.  This is not a film.  This is a long-form Gunfight with some dialogue in between.  There is little I can say about this movie to recommend it, and I would find it too easy to look at the simplistic violence and say "pooh"

If one wants to see BAD BAD BAD guys get killed in a number of graphic ways, John Rambo is for you.   If you'd like some form of cinematic Justice meted out with Reason.  Umm, go watch "Witches of Eastwick" or something.

He turns one guy into a big wet stain in about 2 seconds.  OMG.

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