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Activity on 2008-11-13

twitter (feed #9) 7:34am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Where is Robert Novak?
digg (feed #3) 7:51am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:51am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:51am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:51am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:51am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:52am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:52am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:52am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:52am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:52am Dugg a link on Digg.

digg (feed #3) 7:52am Dugg a link on Digg.

lastfm (feed #4) 8:11am Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 8:29am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Johnny Cash to get the Day Going
twitter (feed #9) 8:35am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

While I prefer the `Nails’ Version of Hurt; I can do a better Impression of Johnny Cash singing than I can of Trent Reznor, it’s a problem.
twitter (feed #9) 9:01am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Why did we shift to “Superheroes” in the 20th Century? Are Superheroes the modern expression of the same need/want as myths like Hercules?
twitter (feed #9) 9:33am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@almightygod Can Jack Chick’s death somehow involve a man or woman in a devil mask saying “Haw Haw Haw”? That would be poetic
twitter (feed #9) 9:42am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@JRMoreau Those “Presidential” visits in large enough companies always remind me of “Lord among the Vassals” type events…
twitter (feed #9) 10:14am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@JRMoreau yet, I’ve met the CEOs of large firms and they always fail to be the primadonas their flunkies press them up to be.
twitter (feed #9) 10:15am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@definetheline Even if I don’t laugh, I love it when strangers tell me that some clever phrase made them laugh (or cry). Totally gratifying
twitter (feed #9) 10:21am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Ministry “Cover Up” Now…. Johnny Cash, My Chemical Romance, Ministry, Todd Snider …. odd mix today.
twitter (feed #9) 6:33pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Speaking of the Power of Punk Rawk
twitter (feed #9) 8:23pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

There were 23 Events on November 13th

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