007Ben and I went over to the GateWay mall to see “Snakes on a Mutha-F’in Plane”
It was a good ride, it hit most of the notes you would expect from a thriller-horrer B-Flick. It had grusome death, gratuitous sex and implausibly bad plotting. All good right? Excellent scares, big snake death scenes, the english dude kacks it. (Spoilers to the left here).
I loved that the guy from Keenen and Kel was named Troy; it was such a whitebread name for his character, the video game nerd-cum-bouncer. A cast of real young hollywood stars would have ruined this flick, so the girl who played uh, the girl from Clueless, was a good choice. There is a song that name-checks myspace in the second act, listen for it.
The only thing it lacked was swearing, it really fell down there. Why didn’t the young couple use more colorful language? Why so little “Holy S#8#” when bit? Why so much screaming? After a while it was just scream scream scream. I don’t think anyone swore in the 30 minutes before Sam Jackson spoke the immortal line.
I was kinda let down by that.
The scares were great and the shocks were real, especially the last ones. Good job on this one. A drinking game would be great for it, make X person chug when they jump, etc.