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Author: NiteMayr


Kevin was born on the mossy hills of Scotland and lived for a while in West Lothian before the mores of pre-Thatcher and REALLY pre-Oasis Great Britain sent his family across the ocean to North America. They moved here and there and Kevin did the same when he was old enough. Now he lives in London with his family and a Dog.

Kevin Wardrop is an amateur writer, amateur photographer and professional pain in the ass. He has worked in the PC support business for most of his adult life and has been accustomed to simply answering technical questions as a matter of fiat, it was his career choice after all. Now he herds cats and puppies for a living as well as babysitting the web enterprises at the heart of western industry.

On Vox: Doctor Giggles I am NOT

A La Plus Tard.

It wasn't all that late, but I was sleepy and ready for a nap when I got to the hospital waiting room.

My Mother and Wife both insisted that my wheezing-barking cough was bad enough to warrant a doctor getting his hands on my doughy body.  I disagreed then after a few moments of body blows and no small amount of bungee cords I found myself signing into the hospital and wearing a face mask a la Michael Jackson or Japanese Subway Riders.

Pleased, can't you see I was?

So, the triage nurse didn't hear the same noise in my chest that my mom heard, but she sent me on to see the doctor anyway.  It might have been because I was on good cough medicine or just luck, but my chest is still crackling and popping after days of medicine so it was probably for the best that she sent me on.

So, not long after (about 30 mins) I got to see a Doctor (Dr. Smith I think) and he perscribed a round of AntiBiotics for my cough and chest infection.  Those who know me know how I feel about medication in general and Antibiotics as a whole.  I'm taking them, but only to make the cough go away faster.

Speaking about the medicine, how much would you expect to pay for a course of Antibiotics?  I have no drug plan, so like 100 dollars, right?  Nope. 30.  30 Canadian dollars, which is about 33 American.

I could afford my medicine!

I didn't have to pay for them either, so thanks Mum.

My last pill goes tomorrow and I expect to take another 5 days to clear.  Maybe I'll get a good night's sleep soon.


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On Vox: I almost didn't write this

Police are investigating a crash between a mid size SUV and a tractor
trailer on Highway 21 north of Amberley Road around 1:30 Sunday

Story From

On Sunday, when Jen and I were driving home there was a crash on the road ahead of us.  We pulled over and tried to help out as best we could.  I snagged a cell phone from anotehr driver and called 911, it took ages for them to get to the scene.

It was a fightening crash, the driver of the SUV (?) has been thrown into the field and the whole thing appeared to have been spun around several times (judging from the pattern of debris strewn around).  Bags were 25 feet from the wreck in the field and the front driver-side tire was next to the driver int he field.

Everyone in the vehicle (a boy and girl) was conscious but probably in shock; I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of people who just showed up and helped.  By the time the ambulances appeared there must have been about 20-30 people helping out.

I tried to get the "board" from the ambulance when asked, but couldn't find it.  It turns out they were hidden in a compartment on the back.

When all of the people were loaded into the ambulances, I snapped a few shots of the accident and debris.  I wasn't doing it to be a tourist or out of morbidity, I wanted to preserve it as it was.  I was a small disaster, a whole life worth of stuff destroyed in moments.  No ACT OF GOD required.

I was glad to hear that they were allright, it looked like they were moving house.  I hope their family was nearby.

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On Vox: QotD: I'm Ashamed of…

What are you ashamed of?

In my early 20s I was friends with a woman named Penny, I turned her in to her BF when she admitted to cheating on him at a party.  I never should have turned her in, the BF didn’t care and I ended up alienating a number of people.  I shouldn’t have said anything to anyone.

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On Vox: Rebuilding

So, since I had the time and the desire, I rebuilt  I am very happy with how it turned out!

I had an idea in my head about how I wanted to go about building it again, I was already happy with the PHP back end and the aggregation I was doing from the various places I am leaving a nice detailed RSS trail so all Iw as really doing was rebuilding the front end.

Of course, some of the back end contained some display code (bad bad bad) so that was excised and I streamlined the RSS code and some of the Flickr stuff.  This made some of the code useless, but I left it in the source just in case.

The first major challenge was the gallery.  I has previously used a nice JavaScript gallery, but wasn’t happy with it’s lack of keyboard support.  So I switched to the flickr flash gallery, which was great.  I almost want to switch back to flickrviewr or a variant of it.  So I settled on an open source FLASH gallery this is actually kind of buggy, but I will eventually get into the source and fix it all on my own.  So there’s a win.

The UI is set up to resemble an old-school computer, solid-state and green-phosphors.  I covered it in hand-written labels and stuck on crap.  There is a spattering of paint and rust on it and I think it captured what I saw inside my head.  I kept the original source materials to rebuild it.

Converting from the TABLES that I originally built it on to CSS turned out to be easier than I thought, [I should point out that the site was entirely CSS driven before, the redesign started as a tables layout].  Once it was all laid out, getting the content in was fairly easy.

The last challenge was making all of the old content available, along with what was previously available on “LIVE” which I think I have achieved.  So there we are a new site built from the remains of two others and laid out like and old-school computer. 

I hope you enjoy checking it out.

I’ve had some cold calls this week, wish me luck!

Originally posted on

On Vox: I have seen the end of the world

Much like John Carpenter, Richard Kelly has a massive lust to tell us about his vision of the end of the world.  John does it with Ghosts and Demons and eventually got to politics.  Richard has gotten to it on his second attempt.  Bravo Richard Kelly.

Additionally, bravo to Mr. Kelly for including a musical sequence (or two) in your film.  This was a brave choice.

I can't say that I disliked "Southland Tales" any more than I can say that I disliked any John Carpenter film, as I have loved every John Carpenter film I have watched and own.  So what can I say about "Southland Tales" that approximates a critique?

I could comment that the plot was transparent, but the same is true for Mr. Carpenters films.

I could say that the acting in places was … poor.  However, I have seen "Escape from New York" and it is hardly the magnum opus.

One might actually point to Dwayne Johnson (the eponymous 'Rock') and look at his affectations in the movie and question whether this was a bad movie at all.  To get the kind of believable soul-depth panic that appears in Mr. Johnson at points in this movie, one would have to be a great director indeed.  MR. Johnson is known for being a movie tough guy who raises and eyebrow for emphasis, when he twiddles his fingers in desperation I saw a scared little man who was lost in a scarily bad plot of his own creation.

That is of course the crux of it, the bad dialog. the insane plot, the wild references to greek mythology.  It is all the plot of a movie created by a Porn Star and Action Star.  No wonder the lines are terrible, they are supposed to be terrible.  When "the hero" finally confronts the Furies he is told that he has cheated fate, he is a man who escaped his own death and now lives outside of it.  This is incredibly deep for a movie that has the line "I am a Pimp, and pimps don't commit suicide" delivered with a serious face in the ensconced hideout of a political rebellion.

Then there is the Hummer Sex.  Jen tells me that my face looked strange during that scene, like it was more entertaining than it should have been.  I simply could not believe that someone paid money to make such a thing appear on screen.

One more thing, this is an end of the world movie; why the Repo Man moment at the end? 

So did I like "Southland Tales" Yes.  I loved it like I love "Prince of Darkness".  Am I going to watch it again. hell yes.  I have to, I'm not sure I got under the skin of it.  I'm sure there is more there. 

What if there is no "there" there?

Um, here is a squirrel.

Originally posted on

Ghost Ride it

"Feel the Penance Stare"

I really should have shot this against a dark background… Oh Well!

NiteCat, NiteGirl and I hit the theater yesterday and watched “Ghost Rider”.  There was a line outside, leading us to worry that we would be late for the film and that we had greatly underestimated the drawing power of “Ghost Rider”

We were wrong on two counts.

1) We got in to the actual theater in time to see the end of the Spider man 3 trailer.
2) We greatly underestimated the drawing power of “Wild Hogs”.

I could not believe the stream of Nascar driven humanity that was waiting to see “Wild Hogs”, and openly celebrating it.


Anyway, Ghost Rider was great.  It meshed the Dan Ketch and Johnny Blaze Ghost Riders into one.  It was a good movie, lots of action and good special effects.  NiteCat LOVED it.

Nick Cage was great as Johnny Cage (giving him a chance to be Elvis on a Motorbike without singing)

The ONLY thing I hated was that Donal Logue was killed.  No love for the redhead scotsman?

Ghost Ride it

"Feel the Penance Stare"

I really should have shot this against a dark background… Oh Well!

NiteCat, NiteGirl and I hit the theater yesterday and watched “Ghost Rider”.  There was a line outside, leading us to worry that we would be late for the film and that we had greatly underestimated the drawing power of “Ghost Rider”

We were wrong on two counts.

1) We got in to the actual theater in time to see the end of the Spider man 3 trailer.
2) We greatly underestimated the drawing power of “Wild Hogs”.

I could not believe the stream of Nascar driven humanity that was waiting to see “Wild Hogs”, and openly celebrating it.


Anyway, Ghost Rider was great.  It meshed the Dan Ketch and Johnny Blaze Ghost Riders into one.  It was a good movie, lots of action and good special effects.  NiteCat LOVED it.

Nick Cage was great as Johnny Cage (giving him a chance to be Elvis on a Motorbike without singing)

The ONLY thing I hated was that Donal Logue was killed.  No love for the redhead scotsman?

Crossposted from:

On Vox: From Picasa to Flickr … Without going insane

First please check out this lifehacker post on the subject… I'll wait.  Did you read it or right/middle-click on it to read it later on a tab?

If you did the latter, good for you.  If not, welcome back.

I've been using Picasa to manage my photos for a couple years now (well over a year and a half at least) and have gotten used to it's foiables (lack of flickr support) and it's strengths (opening pictures in a new app or even in explorer)

(Yes, I use it in my awesome XP install.  I may love Linux for my servers, but I game in XP. 

Here is my typical work flow:

  1. Look at my pictures in the Library, using the keyboard to scroll through them and looking for something interesting.  I something from my dump looks good I either take it into an external app and edit it or just perk it up in Picasa's built in tools.
  2. Once the picture looks how I want it, I save a new copy and undo any changes I have made to the original.  This preserves the image as it was shot for later use.  The new file name is usually descriptive of the image itself. 

    (if I used an external app, I sometimes strip the EXIF data from the images)

  3. Picasa now has both the original and the new copy in the Library, which means I can select the new image(s) from the library and choose "show in explorer" or use CTRL+K to set some keywords… whatever.  I usually hit "show in explorer".
  4. In explorer I highlight the new images, right-click and choose "Upload to Flickr" which loads the images in the Flickr uploader.
  5. I select the appropriate sets and set the keywords for the images.  If needs be I rotate one (because the upload button isn't there until I do) then upload the images.
  6. I return to Picasa and repeat as needed.

Now you've learned two things:

1.  How I use Picassa.
2.  I actually choose what images to upload and not just random images from my camera. 

Now we should do the Salmon Dance

Hmmm, I've left off another option.

On my 'rents PC and the Laptop. I use Windows Live Gallery instead of Picasa, it's better.  No Joke.  I've just gotten used to Picasa on my own PC.

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