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Category: Lifestream

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This seal was found in a field 10 miles from water in England

“Welcome to America, or GTF out.”
“She needs to get her butt back to the 7 Eleven.”
“Give her a parachute then drop her over Afghanistan. To give her a taste of life outside of the US where she can have the type of "freedom” she seems to desire. I’m willing to bet that no one forced her to do anything religious in jail. From the description of her crimes, she seems to be a violent, uncontrollable scourge who is bent on retaliation. This civilization does not need her.“

"How about someone in authority with lots of b….s send these ……… muslims back to their allah. They do nothing but cause trouble in this country. Anybody realize that?”

“Treat her like a Muslim women, wrap her in towels, let her drive to her cousins’ house, rape her, convict her of being raped, stone her…….. Or better yet, fast forward her to the 12 th century and send her back to the Motherland.”

And they’ll know we are Christians by our love…

There’s talk of one witness now, and some of the media is doing exactly what I said they would do, they pull out one witness and just latch on to that, and this lady clearly wasn’t present when this occurred. She recounted a statement that was right out of the newspaper about Wilson’s actions, and right down the line with Wilson’s actions. Even though I’m sure she was nowhere near the place.

When your relatives tell you about how Michael Brown wasn’t a victim of a Racist System, read them this and tell them it’s the DA that was supposed to be prosecuting the case, he put up witnesses who he knew to be lying.

The Canadian government is exploring the idea of free trade with Thailand despite internal warnings from Foreign Affairs officials that Ottawa should hold back while the Asian country remains under control of a military junta, documents say.

Of course.

Guess Who… You’ll never guess who this is, no cheating!

This is a convicted Child Molester… he just won the lottery. If there is any justice in the world the families of his victims will sue his kiddie touching ass for every penny of these winnings in a civil suit (like in the Goldman family’s case)