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Month: April 2020

What happens when someone contradicts their boss in public?

What happens when that boss is notoriously thin-skinned?

Here’s the same scenario we’ve seen play out over and over, Trump says something dangerous or stupid; a professional steps in, contradicts him publicly, and in about 20 days, they are out of work. At this juncture it’s a medical professional who is being asked to help deliver the tired rumblings of a man who has no idea what is going on at this point.

So, how long until Dr. Fauci is out of a job? I give it 20 days.

Fortnite: Save the Game

I’ve played “Fortnite: Save the World” for YEARS now and it’s not as good

That long title says it all, I used to play “Save the World” ALL the time, anyone who has seen me in game will recognize my banner as one of those ones that Epic gave us play-testers, I played the game before the deliver the payload mission was added, there was a time when outlanders had a neat “gravity bubble” power so the could get high like a ninja…

anyway, that aside to show me cred, I don’t like playing Save the World anymore, not like I used to, I played EVERY night for ages and even when I lost interest I’d try to play 99.9% of days (there have to be days away from the Internet)

So when I say “I don’t enjoy it anymore” that is saying something.

I started playing Battle Royale when I found out about the bases on the map, and the story missions and tasks have kept me playing

I used to spend HOURS in maps in STW just exploring, this is the level of commitment to STW I’m talking about and the level of goodwill that the STW team and EPIC have lost in me. I didn’t even bother with trying to get the spy weapons

Save the world used to be more than a wave shooter to me; but the game is just a borderlands in a bottle game now, and that’s what’s sending me to Battle Royale (never mind that the toxic players are like less than 1% of the player base now, so that’s nice)

So, in short, the Toxic player problem is mostly not a thing in BR (or it isn’t for me) I’ve loved the narrative in the current “season, whatever” and It’s a CRIME that I don’t look forward to Save the World everyday like I used to.

The Lobbers, by the way, were the worst thing of all the recent changes, having 20 or so bombs landing all the damn time in some missions? What?!?!?!

Short Story Stem: Cloudships

It has been over 15 years since the last human sailed the ocean surface of the planet Earth by choice.  The Leviathan put paid to the idea of farming the sea.

The Leviathan are a pod of 300 foot long Vampire squid, jet black, inky death that would make a meal of any good sized saurian.

The Leviathan are the end result of 50 years of speedy and somewhat unfortunate evolutionary leaps forward that some of the more morose people left on Earth as “the big step backwards” strange predatory species popped up overnight, meat eating deer, smart and community-oriented apes that used tools and wore clothes, social conservative weasels that walked like men and got into politics.  It took scientists 5 years to even notice the weasels.  Then there were the millennial squirrels.

Imagine a sabre-toothed, lion sized squirrel.

Got that in your head?

A squirrel that would give your dog good reason to hang up it’s collar and go out to stud for good.

They appeared in the dark forests of Europe and after a few years of culling attempts the European union just evacuated every forest bearing country until the euro-zone was just a bit on the coasts and France.  France held out against the squirrels.  Turned them into écureuil hachées, what you’d call squirrel burger.  They ate horses too, the french.

Now they eat Seagulls.  go figure, even the French had to adapt to fishing for birds.