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Category: Entertainment

Tina Fey wants kids to go to Jail for Taping Baby Momma

New York introduces anti-piracy bill

Under the proposed bill, first-time offenders would face up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. Offenses would be elevated from violation status to a Class A misdemeanor. Repeat offenders would be charged with a felony.

State Senator Frank Padavan also argued that money from piracy has flown from organized crime syndicates to purposes threatening national security. “A lot of this is going to terrorism,” he said, citing Islamic group Hezbollah as one beneficiary.

In a moment that drew laughs, Lentol urged citizens to stop supporting film piracy even though some stars make $20 million and more per film, then turned to Fey to ask: “Is that what you make?” The reply was loud and clear: “Nooo!”

“It’s not about studio executives, it isn’t about movie stars or anyone else who rides in limousines,” Lentol said. “It’s about the assistant make-up artist” and other hard-working entertainment folks who may lose their jobs if piracy continues at current levels.

Clearly, the Movie industry is going to pack up and stop making films if Piracy continues. Sure. Instead the answer is to jail 20-somethings when they film short clips of movies using their camera phones and frisk people as they enter a theater. That’s the way to behave.

People like to remind folks in the service industry that “they pay their bills” well, Movie Industry, without an audience, you have no money. Prosecuting your customers is no way to make money.

I buy every movie I like. Without fail. I had as many as 600 DVDs in my collection before I moved back to Canada. I still have something on the north side of 400 on hand. I love movies, but hate the industry built up around it. Not in some “Corporations Bad” kind of way, but in a “I pay for that crap and I am still treated like I’m their employee and have to follow their rules” kind of way. Face it Movie Industry, we’re your Daddy/Mommy and you have to do what we say, we pay your allowance.

And in some form of Bullshit Bingo winning maneuver they linked it to terrorism.

Wow, when Tina Fey (Writer/Actress/PRODUCER) sinks low, she really sinks.

Maybe she should try, I dunno, making money from TV or something.

Oh yeah.

Clown shoes, I tell yeah. Total Clown Shoes.

Hey Chuck, is there a God?

Is There A God? | The A.V. Club

Chuck Palahniuk wrote Fight Club and four other novels, including the new Lullaby.

The Onion: Is there a God?

Chuck Palahniuk: Yes.

O: Care to elaborate?

CP: Boy. Let me get back to you when I’m dead.

That’s a fairly sensible answer to a sometimes loaded question, it’s kind of like asking a Scotsman what team he likes.

When I was little I would have told you, YES! Emphatically.

When I was a teenager, I would have told you YES! Then I would have told you about how the vow of celibacy was keeping me from the cloth.

After My Mum got cancer (even after years of faithful church service) and my Dad followed along just as soon I was shaken; add to that the clear evidence that the Roman Catholic church (and pretty much every other Church) are simply spiritual shell games based upon clear myth and you get a strong agnostic. So the answer now is “Maybe, but hopefully not”

I’ve long held that Prayer “for” stuff is blasphemy (as you are trying to mess with God’s big plan) and if there is a God things will happen as they do so why bother either way. If I go to hell, I win (eternal torment is still eternal) If I go to Heaven I win (Cha Ching it didn’t matter what I did on Earth!) if I just die, well, I won’t know, right? It’s all about seeing the silver lining in death. (Isn’t there a song about that?)

On a side note: We’re all out of soda here and I think I’m gonna have to head out and get some, maybe I can pray for some to come my way?

Nope, praying for soda from the sky didn’t work.

see, no God of Soda Delivery at all

Dear Corporations – Please Sponsor Me

Bands are getting into bed with consumer brands – Times Online

From boutique favorites such as Agent Provocateur and Joe Bloggs to icons of the global hyper-mall such as Diesel, Yahoo!, Audi and Coca-Cola, brands have awoken to music’s potential as a powerful communication tool, and a content gold rush is on. Under the “lifestyle” umbrella, household names are seeking out, signing and promoting music. And far from heralding a sellout, taking the corporate shilling may be the smartest career move a struggling artist can make.

I’ve struggled for years to gain true creative and social autonomy to create my ART as I see fit. Usually I have survived on my earnings and created ART on my own dime, I’d love to have some BRAND come along and throw cash at me to focus solely on creative works like my Blog and Photography. It seems to me that I’d first have to create some form of cultural cache that would bring the attention of the soul-patch and turtleneck types that would patron my style of creative outpouring.

Let me be the first Scottish Blogger who lives in London to do it, Dear Corporations “give me money to write this blog”.

I will lay out the law here before we start our relationship though:

  1. I demand full creative control, I even get to make fun of the brand if it annoys me.
  2. You will smile when you ask me to do something.
  3. You will look like I have done something nice for you when I have obviously created something horrible. Perhaps it will sell in Soho?
  4. We will mutually describe me as “L’enfant Terribley” which we think is something French that means that I am a precocious child of some sort when the term “el nino” a Spanish word for boy that describes a series of horrible storms is more accurate.
  5. You will eventually pay me money to go away. This is (as I understand things) the way of the world, and I will go away with my heavy bags of filthy lucre. I will describe them as such when I sleep on them.

See, 5 simple rules to buy my art and grow your Brand.

I have a readership somewhere between Ann Coulter’s true liberal confessions and zero; but I’m sure with the correct positioning and ground swell from your street teams we can get your Brand on my pages and my Art in your Brand.

We’ll be like Reese’s Pieces.

oh enjoy the snark, some days I’m actually funny

I am the Red Hulk

Okay, I admit it; I am the Red Hulk!
I have been the Red Hulk for only a short while though! I’m still getting used to the Transformations and Red Eyes thing; when I get some Gamma Strength Visene I should be fine!

Have you been following the new Hulk Story? First he was “The Worldbreaker” then “The Warbound” now there is a new Hulk (who is apparently evil and angry) rolling around killing off Hulk’s enemies (and making Rick Jones into A-Bomb (a new Abomination).

The Red Hulk reads like an Evil Mr. Fixit or “All together Hulk” from the Pantheon story lines.

World War Hulk was a fair capper to the Civil War story that was “kind of Excellent” and “kind of Pointless”. But since Marvel hasn’t already retconned said “it was all a dream, lol” the whole thing yet; I think we can assume that at some point in the near future we will find out that Iron Man/Captain America was a Skrull the whole time and that we’re close to a big reveal.

At least it was more satisfying than the end of “Final Crisis” what a hullabaloo to kill off a bunch of Off-Earth second-string Characters. Even Darkseid was kind of a “far off menace” monster.

So, yeah, Red Hulk. IYAMREDHULK!

no I’m not, seriously

You liked it when it was in Die Hard IV

YouTube – Flyleaf – “I’m So Sick”

Oh so many days have gone…

It’s not so much that I bore easily, it’s just that when I finish reading whatever and I’m sure that I’ve accomplished my projects for the day, I just can’t stay away from the the old blog poster tool. I don’t even know what I’m gonna write most times. It’s kind of an exercise to practice my touch typing, as it is poor.


That all said, Jen and I are both working our way through the vocal solo tours on Rock Band (Me on Medium, Jen on Easy). Careful readers or longtime readers will know that Jen is some kind of mutant “sing-along” game player where she can just hum along and rock the socks off of these games, which makes her choice to play on easy somewhat perplexing. I think she’s just trying to score easy achievement points.

Yes, I have added a bunch of DLC to the game (Nine Inch Nails, Punk content and some alternative stuff). As I write this Jen is singing “Buddy Holly”.

Which leads into why the song appears at the top of this post; I kept hearing this song and was even aware of FlyLeaf (I’m fairly certain it appears in my iTunes collections) but could not place the song when Jen was singing it a while ago. Now I do; it was on the screen when Justin “Jeepers Creepers” Long was typing away on his Movie OS terminal before Bruce Willis came knocking in Die Hard 4 (Now with more smirking death).

My Dad said he dug on this when he saw the movie.

Oh well.

Speaking of ol’ Dad. We watched the new Billy Connolly “Was it something I said” stand up act this weekend, I’ve watched it a couple times at this point. I’m not a big fan of the majority of it as it was borne of “Look at the trappings of my wealth and listen to me bemoan them and aren’t men and women different?” I enjoyed a bit of the religious commentary and the parts about door theft; but I think Billy has pulled a bit far from his roots and forgotten what makes him so funny – the common touch.

Then there was one more thing this weekend:

What silly notion led the Bishop to use a man who was wealthy all his life and died young after NOT fighting against the Germans in World War One as an example of a “Good Catholic”

It seems to me that any Saint that was wealthy all their life should have their Sainthood revoked on principal as they never actually forsook their material wealth.

That’s just me.

Oh; and the reward for being a “Good Catholic” — Death at 24 and posthumous rewards.

I’d rather be a good person in this life and live a long life surrounded by those who benefited from my good works (even if they didn’t know I did it).

That’s just me.

Show me a man with an unlined face…

Show me a man with an unlined face, and I will show you a man who has never asked Why?
Show me a man who has never asked why, and I’ll show you a man of faith.
Show me a man with an unlined face who has faith and no questions at all and I’ll show you a child and no more.
inspired by the smooth face of an older gent at church today

So Bad it hurts Kittens

YouTube – where is my mind

where is my mind

This is so bad, I need to share it! This (I imagine) is someone’s idea of cute or clever. It achieves only revulsion and annoyance from me. Not because I feel Ballet is above rock (it’s not) and that the Pixies cannot be used for High Culture (not in the least) it’s just this is so clumsily choreographed. It’s one thing to attempt to make a fusion between Alt Rock and Classical Dance, it’s another thing entirely to have it performed like a middle-school talent show extravaganza (which I admit this could be, but it smacks of “I’m so clever” so I don’ think so).

This is like strapping knives to a pair of kittens and setting them in a box while playing the audio from Thunderdome over it (Two Kitteh Enterz, One Kitteh Leaves), it sounds like a funny concept but really, the kittens will just fall all over themselves and one of them might get hurt.

And who wants to hurt kittens?

"Blade" is Going to Jail

BREAKING: Wesley Snipes Gets Three Years in Prison! – Cinematical

This just in: Wesley Snipes was sentenced to three years in prison and fined up to $5 million for evading federal income taxes. Snipes was given the maximum penalty under the law.

Hmmm…. I’m no expert on sentencing guidelines, but something seems excessive on this. However, a few dips around the net assures me that Mr. Snipes is not being victimized, but wow this sucks for him. Anyway, if he was sneaky and his money was hidden in some Vichy off shore, we’d have never heard of this.

Now. Where is the next Blade movie gonna come from? I need my Cheesy (but awesome) vampire action fix!