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Crossed 3: All that baking for nothing

It just needed doing.
It just needed doing.

Crossed 3 came out a while ago; it is kind of like a breather after the last two issues sort of dropped us into Wiry Meth-Head Rapist Armageddon.  Mr. Ennis gives us a (somewhat cliche) “Man’s Inhumanity to Man” story with issue 3; which is hardly the issue to lose the momentum that was set up in Issues 1 and 2.  One would have imagined that the story would reach a lull by issue 10, but this early break in the headlong run from the Crossed is kind of a letdown.

I’m not committed to the Characters yet, seeing them instead as a vehicle for us to ride on rather than actual “people in the story” if you understand.  They don’t really exist as people yet, you see.  They are brethless story ponys that we are riding with for now.

This is kind of where Crossed really drifts from what made “The Walking Dead” so good initially and so unsettling now;  I cared about Rick and his family right away.  I don’t care about any of the people in Crossed yet.  That lack of empathy for the characters puts Crossed at Risk of being just a one-off Violent comic instead of a promising story about survival (or death) in the face of Skinny Redneck Violence Rapists.

Just Saying.

Twitter Updates for 2009-02-18

  • Werkin’ #
  • I have a metric ton of email to read through, see you in a bit. #
  • That’s a great deal of email down. Only a few more messages to go! #
  • Two Thousand Emails! Two Thousand! Yikes! Mostly gone now… Important mail archived, inbox clean! #
  • Setting up a laptop for friends. #
  • “..And that’s when the hornet stung me, and I had a feverish dream” I always think of a HS Crush when I hear this song, seriously. #
  • Too Much Tragically Hip. #
  • I wonder if I will make the time to finish this map… #
  • No. 5 Search term that is hitting the blog this week “canadian assholes” why? #

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How to find George Bush without a Map

#4 posted by Anonymous , February 12, 2009 11:27 AM

About a year ago my wife and I visited a Darwin exhibit at the Field museum in Chicago. She grew up in Northern Ireland and was educated in a Catholic school. Partway through the exhibit she started crying. She said she was never taught this stuff, didn’t really understand it until the exhibit, and felt stupid.

Less than 40% of US residents polled accept the existence of Evolution as a concept.  That would be startling if what was discussed was any other country; but the USA produced Paris Hilton, Carrot Top and Sarah Palin.I can accept anything that excoriates the general lack of intelligence that marks North American society as a whole.

It is no wonder Americans are perceived as loud morons who lack the simple ability to locate their rectum using a map and two hands.  Surely they would eat the map (once it was doused in cheese) and then proceed to lick their hands clean while denying the existence of said rectum.  Later; when it was explained that rectum meant “asshole” they would drive to Texas and locate George Bush’s house in a near savant-like trance.

Who is "The Witness"?

Look who showed up in the latest episode of Fringe:

The Witness

Who is this guy?  He appears to be some sort of Time Traveller, hairless and damaged.  He shows up to witness things related to the Pattern, but he didn’t cause this.  He just witnessed it.

Fringe is intriguing without being maddening (like Lost)

Old Posts and Stolen Art


I’m not big on the DMCA and copyright claims in general; but I don’t like people making money off of me or my work without saying “Thanks to Kevin, here it is” unless of course I sign something that says they don’t have to attibute me for the work.  Students for Bhopal and the rest of you, you didn’t ask for permission to use “Dead Peasant Insurance” and I want credit for my work!

Holy Crap – Is GM TRYING to get nailed to the wall?

General Motors plans to invest $1 billion in Brazil to avoid the kind of problems the U.S. automaker is facing in its home market, said the beleaguered car maker.

According to the president of GM Brazil-Mercosur, Jaime Ardila, the funding will come from the package of financial aid that the manufacturer will receive from the U.S. government and will be used to “complete the renovation of the line of products up to 2012.”

General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil Operations — Money to Come from U.S. Rescue Program

Somewhere out there; there is a comptroller saying how this is a good idea for long-term goals and that it makes good sense.  That comptroller needs to realize that they still have to deal with their neighbors.

Review: Outlander

The Power of Christ Compels You!
The Power of Christ Compels You!


Aliens and Vikings vs Super Alien Predator!

During the reign of the Vikings, Kainan (Caviezel), a man from a far-off world, crash lands on Earth, bringing with him an alien predator known as the Moorwen. Though both man and monster are seeking revenge for violence committed against them, Kainan leads the alliance to kill the Moorwen by fusing his advanced technology with the Viking’s Iron Age weaponry

My rating: 4.5 stars

I wasn’t too sure how this would come out; I’d been reading about the impending “Aliens Vs Vikings” movie since before I left the States and was equal parts excited about the concept and concerned that I’d be handed another Pathfinder.  I’m very glad to say that no, Outlander is not pointless and stupid.  It’s not some kind of action opus (the actors are WAY TOO PRETTY) for that.

Kainan the Hunter!
Kainan the Hunter!

This was actually something that annoyed me, Caviezel and his rival Wulfric (Jack Huston) are two of the prettiest “hardend soldiers” that have ever walked the earth, with nary a scar or mussed hair to distract from their guylinered eyes.  Even after being sorely beated, Caviezel’s character never really shows the damage one would expect; as if the director was telling the crew “you keep those boys clean, who want’s to see an action hero all beat up and dirty?”

Otherwise the action is great, happens mostly in the dark with no clear view of it, but it’s still fine.  I didn’t get too bored during it and while the plot is as complex as “Dick and Jane are illiterate mutes”  it’s not so boneheaded that I wanted to just quit the movie.   I recommend this movie for a pizza and beer group watch or a lazy sunday type movie.

See, action!
See, action!