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Tag: tweets

Twitter Updates for 2009-02-21

  • Savory Garlic & Coffee Chicken for Dinner (like half a breast each, Jen had a whole one) Yum! Don’cha wish you had me to cook for ya? #
  • RT: favourite palindrome? Mine: “Lisa Bonet ate no basil”(via @danpinder) – Mm, good, but I prefer “Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas” #
  • Daemon McBain, you may be the LAMEST twice divorced 42-year-old EVER. I bet you have a ponytail and a bald head. #
  • OKay, good night. Heading home #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-02-18

  • Werkin’ #
  • I have a metric ton of email to read through, see you in a bit. #
  • That’s a great deal of email down. Only a few more messages to go! #
  • Two Thousand Emails! Two Thousand! Yikes! Mostly gone now… Important mail archived, inbox clean! #
  • Setting up a laptop for friends. #
  • “..And that’s when the hornet stung me, and I had a feverish dream” I always think of a HS Crush when I hear this song, seriously. #
  • Too Much Tragically Hip. #
  • I wonder if I will make the time to finish this map… #
  • No. 5 Search term that is hitting the blog this week “canadian assholes” why? #

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Weekly Roundup from 2009-01-18

  • I was on call all weekend, there was a problem with a router level device but received no calls, CURSES! #
  • Thanks guys, left me a bunch of work today. #
  • I have no idea what the hell these people were trying to do here… nothing is where one would expect it, crap is all over the place. DAMN! #
  • Wow, that was a fairly busy 4 hours… now to contemplate a better awstats script #
  • Cleaned up that script… leaving it in the hands of the actual user to test new version (as the data is somewhat important) #
  • City of Ember, not bad for a kids movie. Certainly better than Wall-E #
  • GAH! There is enough snow out there to cause the schools to close… damn #
  • Go DeFazio! #
  • I present, the Nosebleed #
  • Agh, moar snow! I have to drive in this crap? Snow Squalls tonight too? Damn! #
  • Damn, came to the office after all, on the plus side, fun stuff to do tonight (packet diagnosis and SNMP troubleshooting) #
  • Congratulations to Raymi for her Best Diarist Win, I voted for ya #
  • However when a best <something I care about> is something I never heard of, what is up with that? #
  • Again: Congratulations to Raymi for her Best Diarist Win, I voted for ya #
  • Lunch/Dinner Time, BK or Subway? #
  • Okay, so “nothing” is what’s for dinner. Too Busy. Also Hungry. Good Combination #
  • Hey Look! It’s Wednesday now #
  • Dear London (UK); Re: Random Searches a citizen says: “We lived under IRA bombings and didn’t need this rubbish.” #
  • Another way to ride #
  • Before we get a Prisoner Remake? NO! #
  • Hmmm, started day with a Fail whale…. Not a good sign #
  • He’s Dead, Boss, Boss? #
  • Shoot, I think I just killed that one… #
  • Right now I have the carcass of today’s chicken dinner (chicken, rice, peas and potato) simmering in the pot, soup from scrap tomorrow! #
  • Anyone out there know an AV vendor that produces (good) Windows and Linux compatible software that can be manged from a single console? #
  • Holy Crap, did I ever sleep in today, bed at 3:47 up at at ll:40-something. Lazy Lazy Lazy, gotta get up early tomorrow to compensate. #
  • Dear South Carolina; Please see “The First Amendment” (and the 14th) #
  • I really have to save up some cash for this: I keep putting it off (looks like fun) #
  • I’m beginning to think that 007Ben doesn’t like photography anymore, someone go snag his lenses and such and send them over here #
  • WuG users (I know you are there I hear you seething) ; why do we use it? #
  • So why doesn’t lightbox work on my images now? #
  • I’ve just worked out that I only really get one day off per week. Seriously, only one day off per week. #
  • I have to figure out how to sell a 10 hour shift to my team… Monday to Thursday 10 hour days (4 until 2) then off all weekend. #
  • Somewhere out there Bryce Tordiffe is Wearing black today: #
  • That grgrgr noise? It’s Bill-O winding up the outrage engine #
  • Need to get back on the reading trail, reading too many comics #
  • Okay, got my lightbox working again… that wasn’t hard. Now to get it to be black instead of white. #
  • postsuper -d is your friend. Really. It is. #
  • “Yum update” LIES! #
  • Last night, when I left the office (2AM) it was so cold I couldn’t turn the knobs on the instrument panel in my car, they were frozen #
  • busy day thus far, fixed a script that was causing some heart ache… it really should be running on some box outside the environment #
  • I may get in trouble for fixing another techs work, but it needed to be corrected and he wasn’t exactly in the office to do it. #

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Weekly Roundup from 2009-01-17

  • Woke up to a wicked nose bleed #
  • I was on call all weekend, there was a problem with a router level device but received no calls, CURSES! #
  • Thanks guys, left me a bunch of work today. #
  • I have no idea what the hell these people were trying to do here… nothing is where one would expect it, crap is all over the place. DAMN! #
  • Wow, that was a fairly busy 4 hours… now to contemplate a better awstats script #
  • Cleaned up that script… leaving it in the hands of the actual user to test new version (as the data is somewhat important) #
  • City of Ember, not bad for a kids movie. Certainly better than Wall-E #
  • GAH! There is enough snow out there to cause the schools to close… damn #
  • Go DeFazio! #
  • I present, the Nosebleed #
  • Agh, moar snow! I have to drive in this crap? Snow Squalls tonight too? Damn! #
  • Damn, came to the office after all, on the plus side, fun stuff to do tonight (packet diagnosis and SNMP troubleshooting) #
  • Congratulations to Raymi for her Best Diarist Win, I voted for ya #
  • However when a best <something I care about> is something I never heard of, what is up with that? #
  • Again: Congratulations to Raymi for her Best Diarist Win, I voted for ya #
  • Lunch/Dinner Time, BK or Subway? #
  • Okay, so “nothing” is what’s for dinner. Too Busy. Also Hungry. Good Combination #
  • Hey Look! It’s Wednesday now #
  • Dear London (UK); Re: Random Searches a citizen says: “We lived under IRA bombings and didn’t need this rubbish.” #
  • Another way to ride #
  • Before we get a Prisoner Remake? NO! #
  • Hmmm, started day with a Fail whale…. Not a good sign #
  • He’s Dead, Boss, Boss? #
  • Shoot, I think I just killed that one… #
  • Right now I have the carcass of today’s chicken dinner (chicken, rice, peas and potato) simmering in the pot, soup from scrap tomorrow! #
  • Anyone out there know an AV vendor that produces (good) Windows and Linux compatible software that can be manged from a single console? #
  • Holy Crap, did I ever sleep in today, bed at 3:47 up at at ll:40-something. Lazy Lazy Lazy, gotta get up early tomorrow to compensate. #
  • Dear South Carolina; Please see “The First Amendment” (and the 14th) #
  • I really have to save up some cash for this: I keep putting it off (looks like fun) #
  • I’m beginning to think that 007Ben doesn’t like photography anymore, someone go snag his lenses and such and send them over here #
  • WuG users (I know you are there I hear you seething) ; why do we use it? #
  • So why doesn’t lightbox work on my images now? #
  • I’ve just worked out that I only really get one day off per week. Seriously, only one day off per week. #
  • I have to figure out how to sell a 10 hour shift to my team… Monday to Thursday 10 hour days (4 until 2) then off all weekend. #
  • Somewhere out there Bryce Tordiffe is Wearing black today: #
  • That grgrgr noise? It’s Bill-O winding up the outrage engine #
  • Need to get back on the reading trail, reading too many comics #
  • Okay, got my lightbox working again… that wasn’t hard. Now to get it to be black instead of white. #
  • postsuper -d is your friend. Really. It is. #
  • “Yum update” LIES! #
  • Last night, when I left the office (2AM) it was so cold I couldn’t turn the knobs on the instrument panel in my car, they were frozen #
  • busy day thus far, fixed a script that was causing some heart ache… it really should be running on some box outside the environment #
  • I may get in trouble for fixing another techs work, but it needed to be corrected and he wasn’t exactly in the office to do it. #

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Weekly Roundup from 2008-11-15

  • Good Monday, I have not slept much; when I did sleep, I had nightmares. I’m stressed over the big change and maybe getting a new car. #
  • Changed all my passwords over here for the last time or at least, for the last time during this contract. #
  • Petrolheads, in terms of a Family Car, at 16,000 Cdn. is a 2008 Grand Prix worth it? Jen is in love with it already, so I may have no choice #
  • Are you there Jah? It’s me Ras Kev. #
  • Neat Tutorials #
  • Must Remember to get second Gt 8500 card on way home from work…. Lol #
  • I know it’s wrong, but I could kill a hot dog with mustard, relish and ketchup… or maybe a burger. What is in the caff. right now? #
  • Snow, again. Damn. #
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, Republican Furries #
  • Who is this: “his relentless greed and lack of bass playing talent are definitely basis for a drunken’ stepfather-like beat down” #
  • Got soaked at the dealer…. I really did… payments are deal able but insurance is killer! #
  • A Cell phone for my dad: #
  • As for me, I think I am going to get the “free” blackberry phone, since I can’t justify paying 200 for the iphone. #
  • You know what I can’t wait to do? Drive the new car with my “Top gear Mix” running… that’ll be sweet. #
  • I still don’t know if my “If you kill it, you must refill it” sign is still in the break room near my old desk. #
  • “And the Papers want to know who’s shirt you wear” #
  • Considering who to Insure with, want renters insurance too… #
  • A mostly “not punk” punk movie list: #
  • I’m sorry ifI offend, but: eeewww: #
  • For a month I will be a “9-5″er then I switch to a night owl… I wonder if I will become an albino? #
  • LOL #
  • I could go for pea soup right now, any good “soup” places in London? #
  • Hmm, I think I’ll call a customer or two back and try to close out more tickets. #
  • AS: “Give us the proof of Trig’s maternity now!” #
  • Listening to NWO by Ministry. #
  • Dear Santa; Send me this #
  • Postal workers (in this example) don’t understand the exchange of cash for services #
  • Dear Service Ontario, your Kiosks are convenient and efficient. Good Job! #
  • Oregon Tweeters, can you pick up a driver record for another person in Person? #
  • In Bureaucratic HELL! #
  • If you are ever in ontario license hell, call 1-8003873445, then option 1, then 2, then 0 (maybe) #
  • Oregonians, can someone call the records department and ask if one can expedite a records request with a credit card and a fax number? #
  • That would be a driving record request #
  • Where is Robert Novak? #
  • Johnny Cash to get the Day Going #
  • While I prefer the `Nails’ Version of Hurt; I can do a better Impression of Johnny Cash singing than I can of Trent Reznor, it’s a problem. #
  • Why did we shift to “Superheroes” in the 20th Century? Are Superheroes the modern expression of the same need/want as myths like Hercules? #
  • Ministry “Cover Up” Now…. Johnny Cash, My Chemical Romance, Ministry, Todd Snider …. odd mix today. #
  • neat #
  • I was trying to figure out a Musical that didn’t “suck” I realize that I may have meant “Across the Universe” but E.R.W a sour note in it. #
  • I was trying to figure out a Musical that didn’t “suck” I realize that I may have meant “Across the Universe” but E.R.W was terrible in it! #
  • Transporter 3 (November 26) Holy Crap #
  • “constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil.” = “Material Support for Terrorism” AMIRITE? #
  • Picked up my last laptop on site. About 4 hours from contract end #
  • Re:PickupPal getting fined | They were fined because of the “compensation” part; not because of Ride Sharing. Lurn 2 reeed. #
  • I am going on to my Job Shadowing for my new Job on Monday, I’m not a Computer Janitor anymore, but I think I’ll miss it. #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-11-13

  • Where is Robert Novak? #
  • Johnny Cash to get the Day Going #
  • While I prefer the `Nails’ Version of Hurt; I can do a better Impression of Johnny Cash singing than I can of Trent Reznor, it’s a problem. #
  • Why did we shift to “Superheroes” in the 20th Century? Are Superheroes the modern expression of the same need/want as myths like Hercules? #
  • Ministry “Cover Up” Now…. Johnny Cash, My Chemical Romance, Ministry, Todd Snider …. odd mix today. #
  • neat #

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