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Tag: Twitter

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-10

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Twitter Updates for 2009-07-08

  • Martin Streek "Call 911" #
  • 2000: Deen: Where did Google Go? Me: It's fine D: No, it's gone. M: Show me. D: <types in browser >M: <Face Palm> D: What? #
  • RT @tweetmeme Nukeometer #
  • This is probably bullcrap: | Remember the stories about Kuwait that turned out to be bought and paid psyops? #
  • Busy Day at work, got a new site up and running and ready to go (6.5 hours to production) – didn't fix "compare" script for snort… #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-07-07

  • Here I am:
    picking up stamps for invitations #
  • At work, testing SMS, exciting api stuff #
  • And for Just a Second, i was like 'Anita?' #
  • It's like a tech demo for "Here's what a car show should look like Speed Network" #
  • WHAT? "Well, you can't be a Bible-thumper and be brain dead at the same time, so you obviously? don't know what you're talking about." WHAT? #

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