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Day: September 28, 2009

A Command Line Twitter Client for you

You can have a command-line based tweeter!

type the following into /usr/bin/tweet

then type chmod +x /usr/bin/tweet (changing the username and password)


#     This is a command line Twitter Client
#    Set Username and Password –user “<username>:<Password>”
#     Usage:  tweet “Content of Tweet up to 127 chars”

#    Shorten the String to just 126 Chars (just in case)
STATUS=$(echo $1 | awk ‘{print substr($0,1,126)}’)

curl -silent -o /dev/null –basic –user “Username:Password” –data-ascii “status=$STATUS” “”

Twitter Updates for 2009-09-28

  • Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-09-27 #
  • Laughed at Cleveland, Laughed at Family Guy, saw the humor in American Dad and saw spotted Seth Rogen's Credit and Voice on The Simpsons. #
  • Blog Post: Hey Watch out! That is probably a Worm #
  • "—A Quaker, married to a Mennonite" sign-off posted on the internet in defense of the Burkha. Can you smell the Irony? #
  • It's not really late, Am I tired? I fixed the Garage today, need to hit the mart tomorrow to buy Critter screens #
  • @pixelsoul Oh I get it, V.Funee in reply to pixelsoul #

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