Instead of a rundown of 2009, let’s look towards getting things done in 2010. 2009 was a good year; I’ve been employed at something my High School Career councilor said was my certain destiny. Wait. Is that Good? I’m meeting expectations. Does that make me a B student?
I spoke to a conference on Anti-Spam technologies in DC for my last employer; I held a medium sized room in rapt silence and mirth for an hour or so while I extolled the virtues of my employers product. Why doesn’t that translate into never ending bliss? I should exceed expectations somehow. The Scotty Trick doesn’t work around here.
(The Scotty Trick is to under-promise and over-deliver)
Elizabeth has been my biggest challenge this year; I expected it but I wasn’t ready for how much of a challenge she would present. I expect a rocky decade to come.
Jen continues to be obsessed with flirting online with people; playing a Gorean slave-girl The only thing that takes her out of it is to gather her up leave the house. I don’t want to leave the house every time I want her attention; I want it for just talking some days too.
I’ve gotta get more on top of my job; I’m still not the expert I have been in other capacities; I need to work on my delivery too (still). Sometimes when I’m being negative it’s just me working things out loud and not me being negative. I need to find a way to do that in a positive way.
Do I have to do anything more for the House? I have no idea.
I need to send my written notice out. Soon.