- Blog Post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-14 http://bit.ly/a6GWFz #
- it’s like if the aliens from District 9 learned how to make “beats,” took on human form, started a band, then pen up a Gummo/Dubstep Museum #
- NOBAMA! http://www.osnews.com/story/23002/Obama_Sides_with_RIAA_MPAA_Backs_ACTA | He wants you to dislike him. #
- Blog Post: What the hell is going on here? http://bit.ly/d3wAyk #
- Blog Post: Bet you though winter was over! http://bit.ly/cvQVm1 #
- Photo: fashionmedley: Look at those boots, it’s like they were going for high-fashion Greek Heroine or… http://tumblr.com/xga7hbmo3 #
- Selling out to Disney finally makes sense! http://bit.ly/9JbXVc #
- Just waiting, http://twitpic.com/190agh, outside hospital waiting 4 @rmyamtz1 #
- Still waiting, http://twitpic.com/190dy6 #
- Watching the Flash Forward *REVIEW of Events Past* Recap Thing; I should have been watching this show #
- #saveforlater Get your Nurd On http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tiny/teensy.html #
- "When I was younger (how many of my comments begin this way?)(too many) I was hanging out with a…" http://tumblr.com/xga7jttoi #
- My St. Patrick's was so pedestrian, you'd swear I'd gone Mormon. #
- http://twitpic.com/19cpcx Waiting for a one-on-one no strings attached meeting. (get it? No strings on the guitar!) #
- "Funny though it is, this is the lawyer from one side talking. May not be true. Hope it is. Why talking…" http://tumblr.com/xga7l63tq #
- And then I'd eat the Rich! – [caption id=”attachment_4161” align=”aligncenter” width=”300” caption=”If I were… http://tumblr.com/xga7ldbv5 #
- Blog Post: And then I'd eat the Rich! http://bit.ly/a9YHM2 #
- I know it sounds bad, but I just beat both kids in facebreakers in less than 2 minutes, in the first 30 seconds of each round. #facebreakers #
- Tired today, took the dogs to the Dog Park and visited the Flea Market and Surplus store, too cold for anything else… #
- @Adam_Kantor I believe that most of the basic ailments can be repaired for less than 300 bucks, but you'll have to hunt a bit. in reply to Adam_Kantor #
- Argh, first bug bite of 2010, on my knee? I've been wearing pants all day, this does not bode well #
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