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Day: August 27, 2012

He then relayed an anecdote about a “dear friend” of his who adopted a child from Colombia who turned out to have brain damage. “You just never know what’s been done to a child before you get that child,” he said. “What kind of sexual abuse, what kind of cruelty, what kind of food deprivation, et cetera.”

Pat Robertson’s latest dumbshit quote is a perfect encapsulation of everything wrong with the Republican party these days: They demand that every fetus be brought to term because of the sanctity of life—and yet when the children are finally born? Well, that’s not their problem.

He then relayed an anecdote about a “dear friend” of his who adopted a child from Colombia who turned out to have brain damage. “You just never know what’s been done to a child before you get that child,” he said. “What kind of sexual abuse, what kind of cruelty, what kind of food deprivation, et cetera.”

Pat Robertson’s latest dumbshit quote is a perfect encapsulation of everything wrong with the Republican party these days: They demand that every fetus be brought to term because of the sanctity of life—and yet when the children are finally born? Well, that’s not their problem.


Just launched a neat bit of tech for the first time and got it working on the second try, very very pleased with myself.


Just launched a neat bit of tech for the first time and got it working on the second try, very very pleased with myself.