- Blog Post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-21 http://bit.ly/9BvUB8 #
- It was a tense weekend and no doubt I'll spend Monday morning writing a gui for the new code, maybe. #
- However swear-filled; this is fairly sage advice: http://jangosteve.com/post/380926251/no-one-knows-what-theyre-doing #
- RE: @nitemayr Testing, Testing Does this new comment system work? http://disq.us/clf9m #
- You can make games with Kodu? Yet? http://fuse.microsoft.com/kodu/ #
- Turns out I don't know how to program after all: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2010/02/the-nonprogramming-programmer.html #
- Is it still snowing, I'm in the middle of a building here. #
- did you miss this? http://www.cbc.ca/video/#/Shows/ID=1395193100 | It's not really bad at all #
- How accurate is this Londoners? http://www.payscale.com/research/CA/City=London/Salary #
- Elizabeth is insisting to me that A) John Tesh is AWESOME and B) Her friend in grade 8 is an authority on what is cool. #
- Blog Post: Review: Walking Dead Issue 70 – Old Rick vs New Rick http://bit.ly/9z8yUW #
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