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Tag: GTA

Hot Coffee Mod that you DONT want!

Microsoft | Microsoft device helps police pluck evidence from cyberscene of crime | Seattle Times Newspaper

The COFEE, which stands for Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor, is a USB “thumb drive” that was quietly distributed to a handful of law-enforcement agencies last June. Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith described its use to the 350 law-enforcement experts attending a company conference Monday.

The device contains 150 commands that can dramatically cut the time it takes to gather digital evidence, which is becoming more important in real-world crime, as well as cybercrime. It can decrypt passwords and analyze a computer’s Internet activity, as well as data stored in the computer.

News comes that MS has been lying about back doors in Windows? I mean so many people have posited such a thing in the past, the couldn’t have been right? Could they?

That a major software vendor could be compelled to act on behalf of the government isn’t unlikely.

I wish I could play more games on Linux

GTA3 — Be a Bad Man!

Grand theft Auto 1 & 2 sucked

I thought I might say that right off the top to ensure that readers would know where I come from when I am speaking about the Grand Theft Auto Series.

I abhor the idea that there are games out there that glorify crime in the way that these games have done in the past. Add to that fact that the games went out of their way to insult the player and you have a formula for suck cess.

All that aside, I have to say that Grand Theft Auto Three (GTA3) is a major leap forward in the series in terms of fun; sadly not much in terms of content.

I have truly enjoyed being the misanthrope that I always wanted to be, thus far. Since I haven’t given much thought to the actual missions et al, I may have missed the real meat of the game. Perhaps not. In any measure, this game has been real fun and I suggest that any adult check it out. Please keep out of the hands of small children.