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Is Superman a Republicain

I found myself wondering about how different Super Hero types would vote in an Election (given that the Majority are Americans I’ll keep my observations to the American versions, but if you like Substitute Republican with Tory or Nationalist where appropriate and Democrats with Liberals or Labour where necessary)

Superman: While the big blue cheese is certainly a symbol of Americana, it is likely that a great deal of his corniness comes from a slanted world view. He grew up in Kansas, and despite what the SMALLVILLE folks may be passing off to us, was brought up in a household where Momma did all the housework and Poppa brought home the bacon. While this type of down home upbringing, paired with incredible powers, have produced an Apple pie loving American boy, it seems to have produced a very weak facade along with it, cracked every so often when placed under stress. His Kansas-born values, along with his consistent knee bending to the “American Way” leads me to believe that Superman would be a Republican, perhaps a socially moderate one.


During the “Legends” storyline, Superman was portrayed as toeing the line, simply obeying without question. Later he would be portrayed as a tool of the Government, as in the “Dark Knight Strikes Back.”

Verdict: Republican

Published inComicsEntertainmentPolitics