- Back from gym, tried some interval training, crazy sweaty. #
- Play Left4Dead for free for the next 24 hours and lef4dead is 40% of right now. I wish I was at home right now so that I could play it. #
- I’m not kidding, play Left4Dead for free http://store.steampowered.com/app/500/ #
- #tcot #teaparty Typical Liberal Garbage: http://tinyurl.com/dj624r #
- Tested Ajax for server monitor page, not effective for my needs… #
- Looking forward to Wolverine and Star Trek (are they both this weekend)? #
- Just Wolverine (and Free Comics) #
- Oh, It’s like a Car Crash, you’ll debate clicking then you’ll click it; then be horrified http://www.awkwardboners.com/ #
- From Mefi: “Every Sweet 16 ever” http://tinyurl.com/dcfy3r #
- This is a bit late; but to all you people who were telling me to watch the “new BSG” TTTHHHHHHHBBBBBTTTT, it was crap, admit it. #
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