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Month: May 2014





Captain of the Innuendo Squad and Crowley: can’t decide which one of them looks more pleased.

Oh. My. God.

Where have you been all my life gif??

Who said it was ok to put these two in the same room? What on Gallifrey were you thinking?!


What is it with Right-wingers and their adoring tongue-baths for Putin? He’s (ostensibly) a communist operative, or is it the dictator-style leadership they love? Do all of those chinless losers look at someone who has figured out how to punch down all the time and say “I want to be the one doing the punching, but until then I’ll be this persons willing toad?”

What is it with Right-wingers and their adoring tongue-baths for Putin? He’s (ostensibly) a communist operative, or is it the dictator-style leadership they love? Do all of those chinless losers look at someone who has figured out how to punch down all the time and say “I want to be the one doing the punching, but until then I’ll be this persons willing toad?”

Sure, Rob likes to have a few pops. But I’ve never seen him drunk

Doug Ford

Sure, Rob likes to have a few pops. But I’ve never seen him drunk

Doug Ford