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Month: September 2014

Loyalist Nazi Slautes… All Class, It was YES vs YES-SIRS and the YES-SIRS got the most votes. Cringing whelps

Loyalist Nazi Slautes… All Class, It was YES vs YES-SIRS and the YES-SIRS got the most votes. Cringing whelps

Except, as the polls close in the Scottish referendum, this won’t happen – as neither the BBC nor any other media outlet has bothered to pay to get one done.

If there was ever a statement as to how little regard Scotland really gets from them in the south

Except, as the polls close in the Scottish referendum, this won’t happen – as neither the BBC nor any other media outlet has bothered to pay to get one done.

If there was ever a statement as to how little regard Scotland really gets from them in the south

He will forever be remembered for having the name Tim, as so many others did and do.