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Author: NiteMayr


Kevin was born on the mossy hills of Scotland and lived for a while in West Lothian before the mores of pre-Thatcher and REALLY pre-Oasis Great Britain sent his family across the ocean to North America. They moved here and there and Kevin did the same when he was old enough. Now he lives in London with his family and a Dog.

Kevin Wardrop is an amateur writer, amateur photographer and professional pain in the ass. He has worked in the PC support business for most of his adult life and has been accustomed to simply answering technical questions as a matter of fiat, it was his career choice after all. Now he herds cats and puppies for a living as well as babysitting the web enterprises at the heart of western industry.

The gravy is flowing at City Hall and this time it’s the gravy-hater himself steering the train. Mayor Rob Ford outsourced the printing of his business cards to an outside company, costing the City’s taxpayers four times as much as if they’d been printed by the City. Oh, by the way – that outside company? It’s his family’s printing company.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-30

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Police State Brutality


Police State Brutality @OCCUPYOAKLAND

OPD have been denying up and down that they didn’t use any rubber bullets or flash grenades, when clearly all the evidence is there. A year ago if people saw these photos, they wouldn’t believe this was on American soil. The media somehow has convinced people to ignore this and go about their day. Nothing wrong here citizens, move along.