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Category: Entertainment

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Dearly beloved
We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called life

Electric word life
It means forever and that’s a mighty long time
But I’m here to tell you
There’s something else
The after world

A world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night

So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
You know the one, Dr. Everything’ll Be Alright
Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
Ask him how much of your mind, baby

‘Cause in this life
Things are much harder than in the after world
In this life
You’re on your own

And if the elevator tries to bring you down
Go crazy

When I see those “relationship goals” images, this springs to mind.


Cats and dogs can get addicted to
lasers. Teasing your pets with a
laser pointer winds them up until
they can’t stop because it activates
their prey drive, and they eventually
spend their lives wishing and waiting
for something they can never catch. Source

The Liberals dumped one who had pleaded guilty to assaulting a girlfriend in 2002 after Bokhari received information about new accusations in the matter.

The Tories, however, stood by candidate Dr. Naseer Warraich after it was revealed his medical licence had been suspended for two years after he co-signed prescriptions for U.S. patients he had never seen.

This demonstrates precisely the difference between conservatives and liberals. If you are a Liberal and mess up, you are on your own right away. The Cons will continue to extract value from you as long as they can. “as long as they can”

My family first met councillor Rob Ford when our own elected representative was unresponsive to our concerns. Mr. Ford visited our home and offered his assistance — with the blessing of the city’s integrity commissioner.

Years later, Mayor Ford, and his staff, continued to return our phone calls and provide support. We were, and are, truly appreciative.

In contrast, the new mayor and his staff have refused to offer any assistance — let alone return a phone call or respond to a letter — not even out of courtesy. Notwithstanding all else, the choice is simple. May he rest in peace.

How many issues can a family have that they have to continuously work with City Hall that have merit? Jeff Green, you have issues.