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Tag: Batman

When will the Dark Knight Strike Again?

I’m a comics fan (No Duh).

I’ve been a comics fan since I was able to read, and have a collection to show it. I’m not one of those guys who puts them in bags then puts them away forever. I keep my comics nearby and in easy to access boxes and containers so I can read them. I read my comics all the time, addict fashion. Usually I get my fix from buying large volumes of comics in bulk at cheap prices. Since moving to the states I’ve had to buy my comics in spurts, with no real hope of bulk discounts.

Sadly, I’ve been thrashing my fists against the order status screen for months now as I wait for my copy of “The Dark Knight Stikes Again.” When I asked, rhetorically “where the heck is my copy!?!?!” a friend replied:

“lol! still being written, that’s where it is.”

Mr. Miller, are you still working on this, the last two issues have been excellent, so I can only hope this latest installment that is so very late is also as high caliber. Perhaps it is not. At this point I’d be happy with a two pager that opens with Supergirl wiping the moon with Brainiac and then smacking the crap out of Lex Luthor. Please Mr. Miller, get this next issue out soon!