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Tag: Marrriage

Life, Death and Cascading Style Sheets

Here is my first post as a legally married person. So yes, for those of you keeping score that is ony 4 and half years later than I should have gotten married.

The wedding went, umm, well. We had a civic ceremony presided over by what my parents called a “wee-free” minister which is a Church of Scotland protestant minister. This made my mother in law happy as she hates the whole idea that I’m Catholic, since she hates the Pope or something. Anyway, my wife was lovely and as usual there were cameras all over us. Since there are no pictures that I care to share with you here, I’ll just say that the dress was so nice that it looked like a million bucks, and Jenny made it look like a Billion.

As for married life, its much the same as living in sin, but now I can say “misses nitemayr, why is my server box offline” rather than “hey you, reboot that box!”

I’ll check in later, I’m sure.