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Tag: President

Telfon Coated Presidency

For our friends overseas, imagine for a moment that when you go for a job interview you were asked what team you supported?  Perhaps, when you went to the doctor they asked you what Chapel you went (or didn’t go) to?  Outrageous, right?  You’d want to spit blood if you didn’t get the job when someone asked you in an official capacity what shirt you wore to the match, right?

The Folks in the Bush Whitehouse did this as a matter of process.  It’s fairly clear that the Bush whitehouse was a 100% self-sustaining political nepotism engine.  Which is outrageous when one considers how this was applied to non-political roles.

High-ranking political appointees at the Justice Department labored to stock a prestigious hiring program with young conservatives in a five-year-long attempt to reshape the department’s ranks, according to an inspector general’s report to be released today.

Report says partisanship reigned in Justice Department hiring program

When we see this kind of crap going on south of the border, amongst the “enlightened” conservative movement there, one wonders why Canadians still seem to think the Home-Grown variety are going to perform any differently.  The Liberals may have been fattening the coffers of their friends, but at least they weren’t destroying the Canadian way of life or giving in to the Bush Whitehouse while they were in office.  The Harper conservatives seem keen on only two things, social conservatism and emulating the conservatives south of the border.  Stay tuned for new scandals with the Tories mirroring those south of the sensible.


The internal audit already has produced one grand jury referral. Federal prosecutors in the District recently issued subpoenas to former employees in Justice’s civil rights unit as part of a probe into discrepancies in 2007 congressional testimony by Bradley A. Schlozman, an interim U.S. attorney in Kansas City, Mo.

Maybe this will come out in the wash, but when my Democrat friends were all telling me about how Patrick Fitzgerald was going to shake the Whitehouse like a bone and get the bastards, I knew that it would fall flat.  I imagine this will all come for nothing too.

Go Teflon Whitehouse!