- Blog Post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-24 http://bit.ly/8g6FGT #
- "Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer has compared giving people government assistance to feeding stray animals." Folks, your American Conservative speaks. #
- It's late, sat up watching movies and panel shows from the UK, it was an alright way to spend a Sunday evening. Kinda inebriated. #
- Gotta get up to meet the phone installation person across town in five and a half hours… may not make it…. #
- had to go over to new house at an ungodly hour (if you accept that 8am is ungodly) set up utilities to switch off at old place next week #
- If a scarce resource is more valuable, are each of you more priceless than worthless? #
- "I want my money back" V. Interesting http://www.tampabay.com/specials/2010/reports/scientology_anderson/ #
- So frustrated, need to write a long blog post but have no time and will forget about it later on. #
- If the bill can't involve money, why are the examples so costly? http://bit.ly/9Ea4Mi #
- http://unhappyhipsters.tumblr.com/post/354610225/lying-on-his-back-watching-the-passing-clouds-he Fun Stuff #
- "Dungeons & Dragons Banned in Wis. Prison – Promotes Gangs" Tubby, 10, 4, and 20-sided dice toting gangs. They can't handle a Magic Missile! #
- @tomtomorrow That caller thinks they are being heroic in reply to tomtomorrow #
- @willsansbury More of a liability, so much of "the good stuff" requires a modicum of programming to really get the best out of it initially in reply to willsansbury #
- Why does this author spend so much time on what the protagonist is eating? I bet the author is tubby, huh? #
- Could be my last night in the condo, maybe I should sleep in the living room on an inflatable bed like "old times" #
- http://tweetphoto.com/9812099 there were four full boxes now there are four empty boxes, this is the 3rd load, yeesh! #
- I took the Twitter spelling test and scored: 95% (A) http://su.pr/1T8Z4G from the incredible @oatmeal #
- Hi Friend, is that the title of the Deadmau5 song that was on The X just now? #
- Six hours to get the big stuff out of the condo and then utterly make a mess of the new house, what a day. 12 hours of it thus far #
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US Politics: Put me in the Nobama camp, I’m done
Published by NiteMayr on January 20, 2010For failing to pass meaningful Health Care Reform
For campaigning for Joe Lieberman
For supporting the Corporations over the People
For not halting the Iraq Incursion
For not closing Guantanamo
For not meaningfully punishing the Banks and Speculators that nearly destroyed the world economy
For failing to reverse any of the real legal difficulties that the Bush Admin put into place