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Category: Random Stuff

Argh, CRT-eezzzzz!

Very British Warning, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

I’m using a CRT at work now as I had to give away my nice LCD flat panel to an end user. I couldn’t make the guy carry away a CRT into the plant and up stairs, that wouldn’t be fair. So I waved g’bye to my flat panel and got my hands on another “flaky one” that flaked out it’s last this afternoon.

Here I am on the Radiation King 9000 which has burn-in and terrible clarity. I’m going to have to get a better one soon or request a better monitor from the client.

It’s pretty humid over here in London; how are things in your neck of the woods?

If you're gonna do some art

Darth Vader, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

Do it Strange!

I used the Jackson Pollock simulator to make this

I started out with the “grill” and started adding to it. If you can’t see Darth Vader, well, you don’t understand Modern Art!

I don’t understand Modern Art either; but I am neither erudite nor am I well-heeled. Thus I am forgiven my lack of taste.

What’s your excuse?

Oh No! Not Twins

Jake catches a cat nap, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

Jake is sleeping here, but I bet he doesn’t sleep much now.

Congratulations on your twins Jake!

Looking into the Fog

Looking into the Fog, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

I’m staring out into the Fog, looking over Lake Huron in what was a fairly comfortable spring morning.

Out there in the distance is the remains of the Pier out in the lake, away from the rest of the pier. The Birds love the lost pier as a gathering point and a safe haven from swimmers and boaters. Not that no one ever goes there, but it’s not a popular spot.

I think I might try to get out there some day.

Another Alley in London

Another Alley, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

Thus far London has been a treasure trove of things to look at, alleys and buildings and trees and ponds and and and….

I’m looking forward to having more time to explore the city when Jen and I are more liquid, instead of hiding monk-like in the house when we have no cash.

Take this alley for example, I’d have loved to get on with more images of this alley (or at least took more time on the shot)

This alley was full of neat lines and colors, I think one could pull a few really iconic images just from a couple shots of it.

Yes, I think I’m happy here in London.


Will Smith Opens Scientology School | Chanology News

“New Village Academy will lead the world in identifying innovative learning styles, educational best practices and the ingredients for enduring prosperity.” This quote is from the Vision Statement of the new school being funded and founded by Will Smith. Some of the “innovative learning styles” are Montessori, the Constructivist Model, and L. Ron Hubbard Study Tech, among others.

I guess we can add Will Smith to the not-so-secret Scientologist and no cash from Kevin list.

When Scientology stops taking cash for it’s “secrets” I’ll stop hating it. I’ve worked with Scientologists and seen behind the curtain there. There is no “There” There. Just paranoia and self-sustaining self-delusion.

Poor Will, his career was doing well, why did he feel the need to drink the Kool-aid?

Didn’t he see this?

Web Stats Since Hack

Web Stats Since Hack, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

With the redirect I have in place, these should be the last stats I see from this hack, but on Thursday someone used my uploads system to create a phishing website and by Sunday their phishing email was out there.

I’ve redirected the phished URLs to an anti-phishing advice site but I’m fairly freaked out by the sheer number of folks who have been taken in by this.

Over 500 people have clicked through, 450+ since I removed the hacked content.

This sucks for them, it really does.

What's on your Flag?

Shouts & Murmurs: The Symbols on My Flag (And What They Mean): Humor: The New Yorker

The skull and crossbones, in the lower right corner, stands for pirates, and all that they have given us.

The angel holding the sword represents how guns are nice but swords are more of a “heavenly” thing.

The plow with the four-leaf clover symbolizes the luck of the farmer.

The quicksand represents the travails of life. The hand sticking out of it is so you know it’s quicksand and not just a dirty spot on the flag.

The bat stands for eternal life, through our lord Dracula.

The sheaf of wheat symbolizes the bounty of the land, and the hope that soon more things will come in sheaves.

The parrot represents the need to communicate, even if it’s only squawks.

The tin of paprika stands for paprika, a spice I hope to learn more about.

The triskelion indicates that I know what a triskelion is.

The sun on the horizon makes you wonder, Is it rising or setting? And is it our sun or a weird invader sun? The five rays coming out of the sun symbolize the five times that I have had sex.

On my Flag You will find:

Megatron for all the joy that the Decepticon regime has brought to Cybertron
A Tetragrammaton as I think those odd symbols bear weight to flags, especially when they are secret names for Deities.
For color I will add a rainbow skull, in remembrance of the Rainbow Sprites. Only Rob Abel Messiah may understand the reference completely.
A complex looking series of guns and weapons, around the edges, chased by Cowboys and Indians.
A Manikin head and a trophy, for obvious reasons.
The Centerpiece being “The Internet” as an abstract, which means there will be a giant hole in the middle of my flag. If anyone asks, the hole is “The Internet” or “Ennui” no, maybe it’s “Heroism through Adversity“.

I’ll get back to you on the center.

What’s on your flag?

How is your weekend going?

Giant Mascot!, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

This Guy was in my cube farm at Symantec.

I’ve been fairly busy since Thursday and haven’t blogged about anything much.

I was excited this morning to find an interview request for a firm in London; only to be crestfallen when I realized it was basically spam. It was a real request, but it was for a scam job.


So here you are, another weekend, are you making the most of it? (I cleaned the bat mobile and discovered that the horrible noise we were hearing on the way up north on Friday was a hole in the muffler.

How is your weekend going?