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Day: September 5, 2009

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-05

  • Blog Post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-29 #
  • Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-08-29 #
  • Took two extra strength pain relievers, didn't help MEGA HEADACHE BWAAARRRRGGG! #
  • RT @almightygod 11 things the Bible bans, but you do anyway: #
  • Back from Dog Park, Lucy was the belle of the ball. Every male dog tried to make special friends. Hmmm, time to get her fixed? #
  • Red Baron Lime – Mui Bueno! Nice with leftover Rice, et al. #
  • Again, Red Baron Lime, Cheaper than the Bud Lime, Brewed in Waterloo, Great Stuff #
  • Blog Post: When even fact checking won't save you #
  • Blog Post: Question: Why is that every time I turn on the Radio.. #
  • Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-08-30 #
  • You (certain group of crazy people) need to be sterilized so that reproducing is no longer an option for you, bonus, you can start adopting. #
  • Got Fooey from synergy labs in my mouth and all over hands, soap didn't get rid of it. HELP!!!!! #
  • Blog Post: Stephen Harper, not even original. #
  • I think we'll stick to the small dog area of the dog park, a monster setter (?) tried to mount Lucy at a run today… poor girl #
  • Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-08-31 #
  • Nick and Norah's Infinite playlist is always on the movie networks now… are they trying to burn it out or something? #
  • Blog Post: Girl, I hope you've got lots of money at the DOG PARK, DOG PARK, DOG PARK! #
  • @JoeQuesada eat Balls and choke | | I can really see Disney not pounding Marvel into asspaste like Miramax. Right? #
  • Hmmm, not on call tonight, nice. I can sleep easy. #
  • Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-09-01 #
  • If you love the upcoming labor day long weekend, Hug a Unionist #
  • Even more Right-Wing Patriots in the South – On Display: Traditional Values like secession | Note the "tree of freedom" #
  • I have this stuckin my head, give it a home in yours | #
  • @EverywhereTrip Frogsomething…. in reply to EverywhereTrip #
  • And Jim Bob says "We'd love to hear from the readers at to come up with a special name for this child." — Jersey Cow? #
  • “We can be the smartest, healthiest, greenest, hardest-working, most open-minded country there is – but only if we choose to be.” – Liberals #
  • So, standard Jock behavior then? No? #
  • @willsansbury I disagree, Kate Bush is that woman. All other solo female artists are to be measured against Ms. Bush first and foremost. in reply to willsansbury #
  • Frat Boys? That would imply some form of education or aspirations to higher learning, No way are these guys up for it | #
  • Frankie boyle visits Bathgate |
    | I know that guy! #
  • Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-09-02 #
  • No, I don't think it's tasteless, why? | | Yummy Nuggets, right? #
  • Doesn't fear of China remind you of fear of the USSR? Authoritarian Communism is a house of cards; fear it's death throes, not it's ascent. #
  • am I an office blue dot winner? #
  • Capricious Behavior, from a for-profit health company, shocking| #
  • I'm watching–faib7to:AEBNz4fOcnc:0:100:15:0:true #tubedub #
  • It smells of fresh cut grass outside of the office, nice. #
  • Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-09-03 #
  • Union Gas replaced my shower head with a nozzle, now showers are like being spat upon by sparrows. #
  • Blog Post: Go see if only for the Big Yin #
  • I am one feckless meanie some days. #
  • Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-09-04 #
  • Kids these days…. #

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