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Day: November 16, 2010

In the matter of slavish imitation, man is the monkey’s superior all the time. The average man is destitute of independence of opinion. He is not interested in contriving an opinion of his own, by study and reflection, but is only anxious to find out what his neighbor’s opinion is and slavishly adopt it.

Mark Twain on “Forming One’s own opinion on the matter at hand”

In the matter of slavish imitation, man is the monkey’s superior all the time. The average man is destitute of independence of opinion. He is not interested in contriving an opinion of his own, by study and reflection, but is only anxious to find out what his neighbor’s opinion is and slavishly adopt it.

Mark Twain on “Forming One’s own opinion on the matter at hand”

‘I don’t know anything about this man. At least I know only two things: one is, he hasn’t been in the penitentiary, and the other is (after a pause, and almost sadly), I don’t know why.’

Mark Twain on Introductions

‘I don’t know anything about this man. At least I know only two things: one is, he hasn’t been in the penitentiary, and the other is (after a pause, and almost sadly), I don’t know why.’

Mark Twain on Introductions