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Month: November 2010

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-07

  • This may be the most honest portrayl of wall street since "That scene in Se7en with the leather strap-on… #
  • It's writing month. I should probably get going! – A chapter a day or so is probably a good target, yes? #
  • "They have no clue how to get elected. For the majority of them campaigns are referendums on how awesome…" #
  • Photo: Also your Muslim beliefs are pretty shaky too… #
  • "I think that it’s a mandate for Washington to reduce the size of government and continue our fight for…" #
  • "If someone can’t legally vote; or carry a gun in service or become a politician and make change for us…" #
  • Funny Dog Story – When Lucy came into the room and jumped up on the bed next to my desk she farted. I said… #
  • Photo: Can you guess who this home town girl is, without checking the link #
  • Dear DC – When they did that thing you’ve done with Batman with the X-Men it ended up pretty stupid;… #
  • Can't believe that i scored a copy of rogue Trader for 6 bucks, I think the guy at heroes had it squirreled away for himself… sorry dude #

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Dear DC

When they did that thing you’ve done with Batman with the X-Men it ended up pretty stupid; especially the big reveal. The whole world forgot that in Marvel BTW, but the fans didn’t. We won’t forget this either (and like 90% of the Batman stuff has been Gold recently, why crap it up?)

Dear DC

When they did that thing you’ve done with Batman with the X-Men it ended up pretty stupid; especially the big reveal. The whole world forgot that in Marvel BTW, but the fans didn’t. We won’t forget this either (and like 90% of the Batman stuff has been Gold recently, why crap it up?)

Can you guess who this home town girl is, without checking the link

Funny Dog Story

When Lucy came into the room and jumped up on the bed next to my desk she farted. I said “did you just fart?” and she got embarrased and left the room.

The Dog. The dog felt self-consious about a bit of gas.

It’s a funny ol’ world

Funny Dog Story

When Lucy came into the room and jumped up on the bed next to my desk she farted. I said “did you just fart?” and she got embarrased and left the room.

The Dog. The dog felt self-consious about a bit of gas.

It’s a funny ol’ world

If someone can’t legally vote; or carry a gun in service or become a politician and make change for us all simply because they haven’t visited the other side of the sun 18 times; how can they be treated, held or tried as an adult? You ponder that when you think some little monster needs to be locked up for life.

Kevin Wardrop, indignant at the very concept of “Tried as an adult”