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Month: January 2011

Peter Jirak
Way to go Sarah Palin, one of your Democratic targets from your web page with the gun crosshairs target on it was assassinated today.

Your false, violent and irresponsible rhetoric actually inspired someone to shoot a member of Congress in t…he head, you must be so pleased and proud, I can see why so many other Americans want you as President of the United States.

Undoubtedly inspiring political assassination was exactly what our founding fathers had in mind.

Now you have blood in your hands to match your signature red suit. You’re America’s new bloody daughter, congratulations.

Peter Jirak on SP’s Wall in Facebook

But even if bonuses are cut, salaries have risen significantly to compensate, by up to 40% in some cases, he added.

If I had somehow managed to save the company 50% of their operating costs by converting everyone to small bash scripts I can’t see my boss handing me anything better than a 10% pay increase (especially without a vertical job change) but these guys can get a 40% one. CRAZY

But even if bonuses are cut, salaries have risen significantly to compensate, by up to 40% in some cases, he added.

If I had somehow managed to save the company 50% of their operating costs by converting everyone to small bash scripts I can’t see my boss handing me anything better than a 10% pay increase (especially without a vertical job change) but these guys can get a 40% one. CRAZY

Just hours after taking control of the House, Republicans passed a sweeping set of rules promising transparency and reform.

But the new majority is already showing these promises aren’t exactly set in stone.

After calling for bills to go through a regular committee process, the bill that would repeal the health care law will not go through a single committee. Despite promising a more open amendment process for bills, amendments for the health care repeal will be all but shut down. After calling for a strict committee attendance list to be posted online, Republicans backpedaled and ditched that from the rules. They promised constitutional citations for every bill but have yet to add that language to early bills.

Republicans say there are subtle reasons for these moves and that they certainly will follow their own rules throughout the 112th Congress. But the hedging on some promises shows just how hard it will be to always match the sharp rhetoric of the campaign with the ugly and complex work of running the House

Just hours after taking control of the House, Republicans passed a sweeping set of rules promising transparency and reform.

But the new majority is already showing these promises aren’t exactly set in stone.

After calling for bills to go through a regular committee process, the bill that would repeal the health care law will not go through a single committee. Despite promising a more open amendment process for bills, amendments for the health care repeal will be all but shut down. After calling for a strict committee attendance list to be posted online, Republicans backpedaled and ditched that from the rules. They promised constitutional citations for every bill but have yet to add that language to early bills.

Republicans say there are subtle reasons for these moves and that they certainly will follow their own rules throughout the 112th Congress. But the hedging on some promises shows just how hard it will be to always match the sharp rhetoric of the campaign with the ugly and complex work of running the House AND non-Ironic Reality