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Month: August 2014

Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire, and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain…….

Rush Limbaugh is arguably successful; but has made fortune on the latter. Same with Rupert Murdoch. One could honestly say that there are a number of fabulously wealthy and successful negative, hateful people. N’est pas? Now, to be well regarded, and even loved. The former is certainly true. However, success is never just a matter of positive thinking; I’ve known a large number of happy “ditch diggers”

Yes, a good attitude is an asset; but being able to self-motivate, stand up and take for yourself (or for those around you) that seems to be the real way to “make it” outside of blind luck or circumstance (never forget that while people like to say Bill Gates flunked university and was up from nothing, his parents were wealthy and he didn’t have to wonder where his next meal was coming from or if his rent would be paid, he never had to work a minimum wage job to simply make ends meet)

Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire, and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain…….

Rush Limbaugh is arguably successful; but has made fortune on the latter. Same with Rupert Murdoch. One could honestly say that there are a number of fabulously wealthy and successful negative, hateful people. N’est pas? Now, to be well regarded, and even loved. The former is certainly true. However, success is never just a matter of positive thinking; I’ve known a large number of happy “ditch diggers”

Yes, a good attitude is an asset; but being able to self-motivate, stand up and take for yourself (or for those around you) that seems to be the real way to “make it” outside of blind luck or circumstance (never forget that while people like to say Bill Gates flunked university and was up from nothing, his parents were wealthy and he didn’t have to wonder where his next meal was coming from or if his rent would be paid, he never had to work a minimum wage job to simply make ends meet)

Today, the city of Toronto, just like I said before, is doing more with less. Not too many governments can say that. Matter of fact, no governments can say that

Rob Ford, quoting the WORST business plan since Lysenkoism “More with less” as in “1 person doing the job of 2 for the pay of 1”

Today, the city of Toronto, just like I said before, is doing more with less. Not too many governments can say that. Matter of fact, no governments can say that

Rob Ford, quoting the WORST business plan since Lysenkoism “More with less” as in “1 person doing the job of 2 for the pay of 1”

It’s the economy. It’s jobs. It’s property taxes. It’s transit.’ But folks, it’s the economy and jobs. Because if you haven’t got a job, you won’t need transit,

Rob Ford – Failing again to recognize the infirm, the young, the job seekers and everyone else who rides the damn bus. What an arsehole

It’s the economy. It’s jobs. It’s property taxes. It’s transit.’ But folks, it’s the economy and jobs. Because if you haven’t got a job, you won’t need transit,

Rob Ford – Failing again to recognize the infirm, the young, the job seekers and everyone else who rides the damn bus. What an arsehole