The biggest lie our parents told us was that high school drama ends. It doesn’t. People don’t just suddenly grow up and get less petty—most people just get petty in different ways.
The biggest lie our parents told us was that high school drama ends. It doesn’t. People don’t just suddenly grow up and get less petty—most people just get petty in different ways.
Something has to change fairly soon; otherwise, President Trump’s lavish travels will squash a group of small business owners that are supposed to be directly benefiting from the administration’s new policies.
A travel ban isn’t what Assali anticipated when she voted for Trump. Sure, he may have said he wanted to ban Muslims on the campaign trail—but Trump has said a lot of things.
He also complained that Florida, where he lives, has overly restrictive gun laws
DC Comics’ Bombshells series, written by Marguerite Bennett, depicts an alternate 1940s universe in which DC’s slate of superheroines are presented front-and-center in their own distinctive stories. Here, we see Wonder Woman break open a Nazi tank with her bare hands; Kate Kane, as Batwoman, beat some information out of a Nazi informant; and one thoroughly satisfying display of Big Barda pummeling a horde of Nazis while wielding…another Nazi.
DC Comics’ Bombshells series, written by Marguerite Bennett, depicts an alternate 1940s universe in which DC’s slate of superheroines are presented front-and-center in their own distinctive stories. Here, we see Wonder Woman break open a Nazi tank with her bare hands; Kate Kane, as Batwoman, beat some information out of a Nazi informant; and one thoroughly satisfying display of Big Barda pummeling a horde of Nazis while wielding…another Nazi.