This list annoyed me, mostly because it takes a conceit, then makes a list then makes the conceit fit. The Conceit being people value customer service over other things (or at least it appears to, I’ll not try to determine if that was where things started, but it appears to be the case)
- Amazon didn’t win because of customer service. Amazon is difficult to use if you aren’t already familiar with how the Internet works. There are no sales people and no experts to tell you which is better when comparing things. You have to seek that out. Amazon is CHEAPER. That’s where Amazon won. It was cheaper than the store for pricey items and it’s fun to get things in the mail.
- Netflix did kill Blockbuster; because it was more convenient to get DVDs in the mail and watch things online than it was to go to the store. Notice that online game rental services aren’t really tearing up the charts though? Yeah. but STEAM? BUCKETS OF MONEY. People like convenience, the late fees didn’t enter into it. If Blockbuster wanted to win, they would have opened mini stores in theaters and sold downloads of the movies that people had just watched and upsold Physical copies with special features.- Also DOWNLOADING killed Blockbuster, free and convenient? YES!
- Uber makes money by not having to pay for licensing and maintenance. There. That’s not success, that’s piracy.
- Apple didn’t invent singles, they negotiated the ability to sell them in a way that was convenient to people. Again, being able to buy things without leaving the spot where you are is always going to be better than having to go to a store. Had HMV made the same deal or better then Apple might still be the also ran they are.
- Air BnB is Uber for houses. They sell you and make money from your property and you get some too. Yay!
All of these things have the same thing in common, someone is able to achieve their goal without having to leave the spot they are sitting in. When someone invents a viable teleporter you can wear as underwear people will buy it so they don’t have to leave the couch to drop a deuce. You get me?
It’s not customer service that killed the toilet paper industry, it was teleporting underpants.
Teleporting Underpants killed the Toilet Paper Industry
Published by NiteMayr on June 29, 2017This list annoyed me, mostly because it takes a conceit, then makes a list then makes the conceit fit. The Conceit being people value customer service over other things (or at least it appears to, I’ll not try to determine if that was where things started, but it appears to be the case)
All of these things have the same thing in common, someone is able to achieve their goal without having to leave the spot they are sitting in. When someone invents a viable teleporter you can wear as underwear people will buy it so they don’t have to leave the couch to drop a deuce. You get me?
It’s not customer service that killed the toilet paper industry, it was teleporting underpants.