- Warm, humid, but nice. I have shorts on. #
- Window washers sound like they are trying to climb into the room #
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Sweetners don’t come in tankers, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.
This is a tanker full of “sweeteners” I think that means HFCS
On George Carlin:
Hes average, personally i like Chris Rock, Eddy Murphy and Russel Peters most. Never heard of him until he died and i even asked my dad, who knows most bigger comedians and he had never heard of him.
Feel free to link me to some of his good stuff, his 7 swearwords stuff was pretty…. average.
Nobbeh – who is level 44
I know my Dad, he knows football (the good kind), nuclear maintainence, 60s and 70s rock and pop, safety regulations, union politics and a bit about almost every other subject. I wouldn’t go posting on the internet about how I asked my dad (who is not a bona fide authority on anything) about said subject. I might say that I looked around some comedy blogs or science manuals or whatever, but not “I asked Dad, he says get stuffed“.
I am a Dad too. I pretend to know everything sometimes too. However, I like to think that I’ll admit when I’m stumped. I don’t want my kids or neices and nephews to think they can use me as an authority on anything save what I’m an expert on, and even then I’d like to think they’d lie and use a euphamism like “I asked a professional asshole, and he says you’re part of the club” or “I know an expert in social dissasspointment, he says that if you sucked any more at being in relationships you’d be looking to on Henry the 8th memoirs for advice”
Or something like that.
Since reviews are subjective: Manohla, F**K your reviews
Published by NiteMayr on June 27, 2008I haven’t seen “Wanted” yet. I want to. I do. I don’t subscribe to the theory that male on male violence is some sort of release for homosexual angst. This reviewer seem to think any kind of male on male violence is a precursor to surprise butt secks and sword fights.
Case an point “Manohla Dargis” reviews “Wanted” with this turn of phrase:
First of all, who begins a sentence with “And”? The word ‘and’ shouldn’t be used that way; and is used to join concepts as an additive (you suck as a reviewer AND you are a hack) see? That’s how one uses ‘and’!
The thrust of this little expulsion is to draw attention to the throbbing members of the review, all veiny and proud. (See I can make penis jokes too!) However, I’m not a highly paid reviewer for the New York Times. I assume highly paid, for all I know this person could be an intern. However, their review history says otherwise. That’s a good five year history there; good, nothing I write will hurt their feelings, they sat through and enjoyed Fido they clearly lost their sense of reason and ability to discern value in a film before they took up the reviewers pen.
I see nothing wrong with being funny in your reviews, I remember one review from Robert Ebert where the whole thing devolved into an anecdote about how a pair of young audience members could not get into a movie about pretty lesbians. I can accept eccentricity in a review as well; but to pare a movie into a long gay joke? Why? It was the same with Jackass, Borat, Eastern Promise and Fight Club, any kind of bare chested fighting gets into a movie and the main characters are suddenly picking out china patterns and looking for an apartment on Church Street in Toronto.
You know, I was bouncing around the idea of a Gay Cowboy movie years ago, not like Brokeback, but a real gay COWBOY movie, with action and gunplay and so on. In a movie like that, you would expect gay jokes and so on, but with movies with clearly male-focused plot some reviewers can’t help themselves but to project a homosexual idea onto it. Does that say more about the reviewer or the movie?