- “George Garlin” I really need to spell check before I hit “Save” #
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Cold Beer for Friday, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.
Friday lunch time sometimes means that it is Beer o’clock (especially on hot days)
This was at the (great) walkers fish and chips on Wellington. I poured high to get the thick, frothy head on the beer. It was refreshing (on a hot day) but not a great partner for the fish.
I think I’ll stick to soda with the food and beer after work; speaking of which I snagged some Sleeman Clear for the long weekend. I actually found some craft/micro brew beer yesterday too. So my beer horizons have been significantly expanded.
George Carlin Gets the Last Word on Death
Published by NiteMayr on June 29, 2008George Carlin gets the last word on death, he recorded this just after his 70th birthday and got another year out of life. Thanks again George, I know you are going to be great fertilizer.