- Photo: What Would Henry Rollins Do? http://tumblr.com/xga2g1cfac #
- Cool, but obscure unix tools :: KKovacs – Cool command line tools for your Unix based system http://tumblr.com/xga2g6xurq #
- "The internet is ‘Cheers’ and everyone is Cliff Claven, but they think they’re Norm." – Kelly Oxford http://tumblr.com/xga2hp0grq #
- Photo: Dimples do not age…..well http://tumblr.com/xga2hps0a8 #
- Photo: It has been 13 years since a fresh show about nothing (excepting the Jersey Shore) appeared on TV http://tumblr.com/xga2hpt0hi #
- "The first commercial with the Taco Bell chihuahua aired 14 years ago. The chihuahua has been dead for 2…" http://tumblr.com/xga2hpt5zx #
- I'm watching http://tubedubber.com/#NYCHBI66izs:XbI1FpLd4Vk:0:100:0:0:true #tubedub Explosions + Clocks! #
- @kellyoxford I've un-friended for less, but I'm a misanthrope. What's his excuse? =) in reply to kellyoxford #
- Photo: If my day goes well, 40 dollars for a gnome, if it goes bad 40 dollars for some rum http://tumblr.com/xga2i3orgz #
- Hey, thanks for the good vibes, nothing to report yet. I'm still falling away from it all. #
- Please, please, ring and deliver good news #
- Photo: Fire Marshall Bill, perhaps before the accident? http://tumblr.com/xga2i876z5 #
- Photo: What a smile! http://tumblr.com/xga2ileizz #
- Slaying the Cable Monster: Why HDMI Brands Don't Matter | PCMag.com – I remember learning this somewhere and… http://tumblr.com/xga2itjpg2 #
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