- Blog Post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-07 http://bit.ly/102b1N #
- Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-11-07 http://bit.ly/45xewY #
- Thanks for the free traffic Matt. Some of your visitors read the site some didn't. Sigh, looking like Meatloaf is a chore some days…. #
- RT @expatina: Every anti-abortion protester shoud be forced to adopt an unwanted child. That'll shut 'em up. #
- Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-11-08 http://bit.ly/1KNuYK #
- Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-11-09 http://bit.ly/2TaG4D #
- Working Days this week, already at work for 50 minutes, nice! #
- Server reboots this AM; taking a great deal longer than I would like. #
- Blog Post: How depressing that this is a commercial http://bit.ly/uzAyB #
- @aots If he does it that same day Glenn Reynolds will paw at his keyboard saying "You mean I gotta pay for my talking points now?" in reply to aots #
- Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-11-10 http://bit.ly/2PQf9z #
- @akantor Kinda, the CRTC approved tiering on the internet allowing more bandwidth control in the hands of the Bells and Rogers level ISPs in reply to akantor #
- After some back and forth comparisons and looking at comparable breeds online, we have decided that Lucy is a Pug/Beagle mix, so there. #
- @akantor It affects everyone, as it gives the primary ISPs the right to shape traffic and "manage" bandwidth as they see fit in reply to akantor #
- @phronk http://twitter.com/replies in reply to phronk #
- Where is the moral outrage over the prostitutes in Dragon Age? Maybe there needs to be a slow news day first, huh? #
- Two "Good" resumes, @ candidates who could not answer straight questions on the content of them. Why claim what you don't know? More Later #
- @ThatKevinSmith Don't forget the Ugly stick too… :P in reply to ThatKevinSmith #
- @akantor Yeah, It's a terrible system with no real choice (re: ISPs) it's the same in the states though, where they agree not to compete… in reply to akantor #
- @phronk Actually "Replies" shows all of the entries that contain @yourname…. so RTs show there too, time to crack that API ;P in reply to phronk #
- @phronk I apparently don't see this new feature, FML ;P in reply to phronk #
- Jesus Christ Matt, it's tweet, not tweat Lol, it looks like you misspelled "sweat" LoL "You can sweat him here" and now we're all OldSchool #
- Blog Post: When you inflate your experience, you may deflate your chances http://bit.ly/2Cfwsq #
- @SusieStalker even Break on Through, LA Woman and Riders on the Storm? in reply to SusieStalker #
- @_KaraBanana I wasn't going to say it, Why does it have a paw print? in reply to _KaraBanana #
- Did I mention I made Trifle on the weekend? The Jelly with cake in it went well, but the next two layers were just sloppy messes…. #
- @akantor Not even paintball or apple wars? in reply to akantor #
- @London_Resumes Scottish, I've never just made one for myself before; and it was a good experience for my daughter we crushed a flakey on it in reply to London_Resumes #
- @London_Resumes There's a great "british" shop on southdale, near wellington in the same strip as the giant tiger in reply to London_Resumes #
- Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-11-12 http://bit.ly/2UCFq0 #
- RT @boingboing MPAA shuts down entire town's muni WiFi over a single download – Boing Boing http://bit.ly/257SzF #
- When a bunch of white folks get together to make fun of a single black guy; that's what we used to call a lynching, I'm looking at you CMAs #
- just listened to The Great Destroyer by Nine Inch Nails on @Grooveshark: http://tinysong.com/7cBA #
- @FoxieNews So you're saying that if women had babies that they are unequipped to deal with, you know, bad moms, that's better for the kids? in reply to FoxieNews #
- @London_Resumes Yeah, we've just aken to calling them Flakeys I have no idea why in reply to London_Resumes #
- And another thing, why is comparing me to 70s Superstar and 90s indie darling Meatloaf a bad thing? Isn't that calling you a BeeGee? #
- Because you live in Lane County, this may interest you http://bit.ly/1D4UgN #
- Tweeting for 2 years, 5 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 3 hours, 49 minutes, 21 seconds (May 21, 2007). How about you? http://bit.ly/eC942 #
- RT @JamesUrbaniak The new way to show you're offended during a TV interview is to take your mic off and just sit there like a lox. #
- Well? Facebook Friends (and Twitter Folks) http://bit.ly/L4lXk #
- Mommy, how do you define, lacking the moral fiber of the average cretin? http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/6062/1258035395841.jpg #
- Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2009-11-13 http://bit.ly/udyUd #
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