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Tag: zombies

Review: "Bloody Crazy" does not rhyme with Satan

Blood Crazy

Nick Aten ambles over the bloody remains of a boy evicerated by his own mother to eat a burger and shoot the shit with a friend. The next day his younger brother is dead and the adults have taken up the hobby of killing everyone under the age of 20, all adults everywhere. Now Nick has to get away from it all and slip his parents as they hunt him across england.

Blood Crazy is a recounting by Nick Aten of the year that Adult humanity stopped caring for the youth and instead began turning the bodies of the young into massive necropolises and temples of death across the countryside.

Anywhere there were young people, the adults would gather and destroy them.

Nick spends a whole year on the run from place to place; finding his way from callow youth to something else.

Simon Clark does a fantastic job of making the story fast paced enough to keep you reading and 300 pages in I realized I’d read the majority of it in one go. Bravo I strongly recommend Blood Crazy!

My rating: 4.5 stars

I’m not exaggerating when I say that I read this one quickly, I usally only read in small drips and have spent MONTHS not reading a DUNE novel, but I gave this book a minute while I was in disposed and could not stop reading it.  It’s not high literature; and once again we have a post-apocalyptic hero that can’t walk 20 yards without tripping over yet anothere willing woman who needs him to make love to her and plant his seed.  I wish that I was exaggerating this point.

The “cause” of the adults going crazy is explained; it’s a bit weak.  I don’t think it detracts from the book at all, but the explaination is weak.

This book does the oppostite of “Graceling” when it comes to travel, the travel portions are either mad dashes from blood-crazed adults or treks across wastelands that are leading urgently to somewhere; not detracting from the pace or the action.  It was a relief when a character found a safe place to sleep;  I cared that they got to sleep comfortably.

Nick Aten; the main character is somewhat stereotypical lead character.  He’s smart, but not an intellectual, strong, but not too tough.  Cocky but not cock-sure… I could go on.  He’s not so generic as to be an everyman, but he’s no stand-out.

The “Bully” character which serves as the human plot point for most of the story has a back story that I think that Simon Clark almost maliciously leaves off, going so far as to cut the character off when he attempts to vocalize his perceived injustice with Nick.   I was most frustrted with this; Tug Slatter is a bully and a thug, but he is certainly more than that and we are NOT given more than a glance at whatever motivates him and his misanthropy.

All in all; I will recommend this one to fans of Post-Apocalyptic survival novels.  It was a good quick read and worth picking up.

Short Story: Lights Out Part 7

The gravel stopped crunching and Patrick thought, for a moment, that he was alone on the roof.  The flopping monsters that had poured from the door had been dispatched like his former partner and he had pitched the majority into the flaming street below; crossing himself when he could for whatever passed for souls in their grotesque corpses.

Jacks corpse had stood again, stretched and began to lope at Patrick again, his face an obscene smile with mouth agape and askew.

“Jack, shit.” Patrick ran towards his partner and kicked hm in the chest, toppling the bloody thing over the side of the roof and sailing to the street below.

The roof was quiet and empty of danger now, Patrick walked with all due care to the roof door and looked down the staircase for any evidence of more monsters waiting in the dark.  Finding none he turned his radio on and called out for the chief.

“Chief, it’s 13.  I’m 5 by 5 here.”

“Pat?  Good.  We’ve just shut the tenants on 25 in the security office, join me in the main stairwell.”

“Got ya Chief.  13 coming in”

Patrick Farrel had never once killed a man in anger; not in the line of duty either.  His tour in Iraq had been a relativley short one, with a leg injury getting him an early reprieve from the desert.  Security work paid a bit better and couldn’t normally involve much actual fighting.  The busiest days for Patrick had been chasing kids out of the stairwell after sneaking in after-hours.  He hadn’t known Jack long enough for his death to really hurt, but the fight had left him like the long-termers at the VA, lost in the moment, staring into the distance for the next encounter.

He met the guys from Unit 11 as they trotted towards the main stairwell doors, they were smiling and chatting about the tenants.

“Did you see what they were doing in the one office?  I think they were trying to film their own little porno in there or something… hey Pat.  What the fuck was going on up top?”  Patrick knew the smaller one; Henry “Hank” Jacobs.  Young, former cop, fired for some kind of harassment issue.

“Yeah, they were naked, all of them, one dude had a camera and they were in a pile in the middle of the office, like 20 people all getting it on!” The bigger one had just kept on about the discovery in the office.  Patrick just walked on to the door and knocked.  Chief Pendegrass opened up and held the door for the Security Guards to walk out.  He gave Patrick as much space as possible, given the gore that coated his uniform.

“Chief, we got some shit up here like you wouldn’t believe.  Fucking Zombies or some shit.  I fought about 6 of them, Jack included.  I pitched them off of the roof as they came at me, I fucking shot two of them in the chest and they got right up, Jack too.” Patrick found his tongue and wouldn’t let go “Chief, Man. They kept on coming, like they was gonna tear me up like Jack.  I hadda kill them.”

Patrick could feel himself losing it.  He caught himself and led the walk down to the 24rth and down,  sealing the doors as he went.  He described the whole fight to the Chief, who remained quiet and offered no judgment or comment.  When they had finished the sweep to the ground floor, Patrick had told his story a few times and the guys from Unit 11 had simply gone silent and stopped meeting Patrick’s eyes.

Chief Pendegrass put his hand on PAtrick’s should and led him to the Security offices and offered him a seat and a drink.

“Pat, I believe you.  I’ve looked outside, I can hear that stuff out there.  Something has happened to Saint Paul and I’m not clear as to what.  There were two suns out there today, things have changed in a big way.  Find yourself a clean set of clothes and dump that shit you’re wearing in a bag, tie it off and dump it deep in a dumpster or down the chute.  Go nowhere alone and keep your radio on from now on.”  The Chief stood up to his full height and looked deep in thought.

Patrick got up, went to his locker and stripped off his gore covered clothes, dumping them like requested.  He cleaned himself up as best he could in the showers and found a new uniform and some of the tactical gear the other guys had on.  When he caught his face in the mirror, he was sure that it was still him looking out, but there was a small strangeness in his eyes, like when he first stepped off of the plane at Rammstein in Germany.  He had been through something and come back broken.

Ghoulish Disapointment and Why I can't tell you about it


I was excited for months about the prospect of a Zombie Walk here in London this past weekend, but as the day came closed it became clear that the whole thing was some kid’s idea and not anything serious.  Not that Zombie dress-up needs to be serious, but it didn’t seem to have anything behind it save a desire to get out on the weekend.  No permits no organization not even a flash mob kind of thing, just some kids.

Oh well.  It was called off at the last minute (as far as I know) maybe there will be one in the fall.


I finally appear to have contracted the same twitter disorder as Joel Johnson, where my twitter kinda-sorta works.  I guess I’ll reserve complaint (as it IS free) but SweetCron can’t come quicker, really.

Jen iz a Zombie

Jen iz a Zombie, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

She loves the flesh of the arm!

This was from our trip to Manitoulin Island, at the shore of Ice Lake.

It’s the weekend, we’re getting ready to face a return to normalcy for us, me at a day-to-day job and pulling down a paycheck. The main difference being that I am going to be a contractor, any advice for me guys?

GTA Zombies, YES!

We were talking about Dead Rising yesterday, and 007Ben expressed how happy it would have made me if there was a Zombie game that was free roaming that had the elements of GTA and Dead Rising.  Last night I

installed “GTA: Long Night” a Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Mod.

I’ve only given it a little play time, so I can only say that I’m disappointed that the zombies appear to have the normal voices their human models have, but they certainly move like zombies!
I noted that if I park my vehicle in such a way as to bloick my door, teh zombies go dormant, same result if I go slow.  I keep failing the first mission, but I’ll keep going.

Zombie Movies from Western Europe


E:: Good God, why are you gnawing on my forearm? Are you a zombie now? Yes, my god, you are a zombie now!

G: Guter Gott, warum zerfressen Sie auf meinem Unterarm? Sind Sie ein Zombie jetzt? Ja mein Gott, sind Sie ein Zombie jetzt!

E: Do you enjoy brains? I, myself, enjoy the odd frontal lobe or two.

G: Genießen Sie Gehirne? I, selbst, genießen den ungeraden frontalen Vorsprung oder die zwei.

E: If I was to shoot you in the head, are you sure you would not still come back to eat my toes?

G: Wenn ich Sie im Kopf schießen sollte, sind Sie Sie würden nicht noch zurückkommen, um meine Zehen zu essen sicher?


E: Are you not the actor I saw in the film Speed? No, you are not, you are a zombie!

F: N’êtes-vous pas l’acteur que j’ai vu dans la vitesse de film ? Non, vous n’êtes pas, vous êtes un zombi !

E: Don’t you love the lights of the city my love? No, I will not give you my brains, how rude!

F: Don’t vous aimez les lumières de la ville mon amour ? Non, je ne vous donnerai pas mes cerveaux, comment grossier !

E: Give to me the small firearms ammunition, I am about to pray to the deity and then raise hell upon these fiendish louts!

F: Donnez-moi les petites armes à feu munitions, je suis sur le point de prier à la déité et puis de soulever l’enfer sur ces louts diaboliques !

Damn you Zombies!!!!

I hate it when I fall intothe trap of watching a zombie flick late at night, I always end up dreaming about it all night. Jen and I watched the 10 minute “Dawn of the Dead” preview last night, before bed. So, as per usual, I was left dreaming about the Zombie Apocolypse that the movie entails. Mostly just wandering around “the Day After” running into other survivors. The Zombies didn’t make a big showing until one point later in the dream when a helicopter crashes into a group of people at a party (?) and zombies sprung forth from the hurt. Man, I hate zombie dreams.

Again, let me state this, I hate zombies.

Playing Now: MobyLanding

Jeff and Kevin: 28 Days Later is NOT a Zombie Movie

I am psychic, I swear

shuggothmstr1: I got to see 28 Days Later, Loved it
shuggothmstr1: Not a Zombie Movie Though, they weren’t dead
mistermurdertoys: yes they were
shuggothmstr1: No they weren’t
mistermurdertoys: yes they were
shuggothmstr1: if they were dead blowing off extremities wouldn’t hinder them then, right?
mistermurdertoys: believe what you want
shuggothmstr1: They didn’t work like zombies in Zombie flicks… as far as I am concerned, simply not a zombie flick, at least not a conventional one, and therefore a far superior movie all around, really loved the part where Jim thumbs the bad guy
mistermurdertoys: And since when are you an expert on zombie flicks? I think I have seen far more of them then you have. in most european zombie movies they aren’t the shambling slow things you seem to think they are in every movie
shuggothmstr1: I’ll just let it drop then, shall I?
mistermurdertoys: :P
mistermurdertoys: well it’s not an American movie, don’t expect george romeros rules
shuggothmstr1: I really enjoyed the flick, and that’s enough said on the matter one way or the other. It was well filmed, had an engaging cast and the drama was well played. The score was awesome, as was the sound track. The sound design was awesome…
shuggothmstr1: It was awesome, those guys should be commended for a fine fine movie

Seriously, I saw this argument coming up the street like it had bells and a whistle