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Day: October 17, 2008

What went down for 2008-10-17


twitter (feed #9) 12:17pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

So Tired this AM, got up late, had to wait for the Clothes Warrior to find me some socks as I couldn’t locate any
twitter (feed #9) 12:45pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Won a free Breakfast Treat. Might grab it in the AM Saturday.
twitter (feed #9) 1:28pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@shelisrael It *is* getting cheaper here in the Great White North, but with our Currency tied with Oil, it’s a negative when gas goes down.
twitter (feed #9) 1:38pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: The Canadian Dollar is a Petrodollar
twitter (feed #9) 1:55pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I have a decent Alarm Clock, his name is Spencer, most mornings I can’t ignore him pawing at my face to wake me up.
twitter (feed #9) 2:52pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Yawwwnnn, Blog Cleanup and layout adjusting…
twitter (feed #9) 3:09pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Better “Lifestream” and flickr photo album plugins in place.. blog looks too “texty” now… going to have to rethink layout over the weekend
lastfm (feed #4) 3:17pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 3:19pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 3:23pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 3:27pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 3:27pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Hmmm….. This is interesting.
twitter (feed #9) 3:30pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan SLAP! Don’t say it out loud, even on twitter. It angers the phone gods.
lastfm (feed #4) 4:08pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 4:12pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 4:15pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Added “Link Harvest” page (finally) it will automatically show all of my top linked-to sites and their associated pages/posts
lastfm (feed #4) 4:18pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 4:23pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 4:26pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 4:32pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Mike Lunsford, you are simply a racist asshole
lastfm (feed #4) 4:33pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 4:36pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 4:41pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 4:46pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 4:53pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 4:56pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Mike Lunsford: Racist of the Week
lastfm (feed #4) 4:57pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 4:57pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@alternaloser Ob behalf of the God of Steel and Blood, I grant your boon. Be Happy; it is your last.
twitter (feed #9) 5:01pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@happyguy Does it have a mic?
lastfm (feed #4) 5:02pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 5:05pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 5:09pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 5:13pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 5:14pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan Write a guest post for my site convincing people to vote for the Barr/Paul ticket.
lastfm (feed #4) 5:17pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 5:19pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I’m buying this for my Family
twitter (feed #9) 5:20pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

A new JRPG to try out, intriguing
lastfm (feed #4) 5:21pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 5:26pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 5:34pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 5:41pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 5:45pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 5:47pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 5:47pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@alternaloser I’m at work and will have to save it for later, cimmerian.
lastfm (feed #4) 5:51pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 5:55pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 6:00pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 6:04pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 6:09pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 6:13pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 6:19pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 6:22pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan Well, Duh. You wanted to fill your day, an imaginary ticket for you to vote on would be time consuming at best.
lastfm (feed #4) 6:33pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 6:36pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 6:40pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 6:45pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 6:53pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 7:01pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 7:08pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 7:14pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 7:14pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I’ve got an email in draft that I want to send, but I don’t want to jinx anything else. Decisions, Decisions.
twitter (feed #9) 7:15pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan You really like Slash and Burn Republicans with Bowl Cuts, huh?
lastfm (feed #4) 7:23pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 7:26pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

The waiting is killing me. I’m far too impatient. In other notes, Jen had an Interview yesterday.
lastfm (feed #4) 7:32pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 7:35pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 7:40pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 7:44pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 7:53pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 7:57pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 8:01pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 8:04pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 8:07pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 8:18pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 11:29pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Ginger Garlic Chicken, stuffing and corn for Dinner. Yum

Twitter Updates for 2008-10-17

  • So Tired this AM, got up late, had to wait for the Clothes Warrior to find me some socks as I couldn’t locate any #
  • Won a free Breakfast Treat. Might grab it in the AM Saturday. #
  • @shelisrael It *is* getting cheaper here in the Great White North, but with our Currency tied with Oil, it’s a negative when gas goes down. in reply to shelisrael #
  • I have a decent Alarm Clock, his name is Spencer, most mornings I can’t ignore him pawing at my face to wake me up. #
  • Yawwwnnn, Blog Cleanup and layout adjusting… #
  • Better “Lifestream” and flickr photo album plugins in place.. blog looks too “texty” now… going to have to rethink layout over the weekend #
  • Hmmm….. This is interesting. #
  • @RevNathan SLAP! Don’t say it out loud, even on twitter. It angers the phone gods. in reply to RevNathan #
  • Added “Link Harvest” page (finally) it will automatically show all of my top linked-to sites and their associated pages/posts #
  • Mike Lunsford, you are simply a racist asshole #
  • @alternaloser Ob behalf of the God of Steel and Blood, I grant your boon. Be Happy; it is your last. in reply to alternaloser #
  • @happyguy Does it have a mic? in reply to happyguy #
  • @RevNathan Write a guest post for my site convincing people to vote for the Barr/Paul ticket. in reply to RevNathan #
  • I’m buying this for my Family #
  • A new JRPG to try out, intriguing #
  • @alternaloser I’m at work and will have to save it for later, cimmerian. in reply to alternaloser #
  • @RevNathan Well, Duh. You wanted to fill your day, an imaginary ticket for you to vote on would be time consuming at best. in reply to RevNathan #
  • I’ve got an email in draft that I want to send, but I don’t want to jinx anything else. Decisions, Decisions. #
  • @RevNathan You really like Slash and Burn Republicans with Bowl Cuts, huh? in reply to RevNathan #
  • The waiting is killing me. I’m far too impatient. In other notes, Jen had an Interview yesterday. #
  • Ginger Garlic Chicken, stuffing and corn for Dinner. Yum #

Powered by Twitter Tools.

Mike Lunsford: Racist of the Week

In case the original article goes “poof” here is the basic text

Surprise, shock and some fear in a local neighborhood, after an anti-Obama display is hung from a tree. The display is at a home at Symmes and Hicks Road in Fairfield.

And the person who put it there says the message isn’t political, it’s racist. Shawn Ley spoke with the man who isn’t shy about his views.

There it is, right above the “McCain-Palin” sign: a make-shift ghost, hanging from a noose. A Barack Obama sign attached upside down. Obama’s middle name: “Hussein” spray painted and misspelled above.

Mike Lunsford hung the ghost in his yard. He spoke to us off-camera, saying his views could hurt his employers business … but he says make no mistake: He doesn’t want an African American running the country.

Lunsford says he believes Barack Obama is not a “full blooded American.” And he says the United States is a white, Christian nation – and only with white Christians should be in power. With Lunsford not willing to share his views on-camera:

Source: Local 12

Mike Lunsford age 52 (Fairfield High School  1970 – 1974) maybe a former GI

In the morning Mike Gets out of bed and looks out into an empty field, wondering where his world went wrong.  He was sure that he and his kind would rule the world some day, but alas, he was born about 50 years too late, and in the wrong country.

One wonders how he gets by on such hated, I know a few racists and even they aren’t quite so “in your face” about it. They tend to hide it under a “scholarly” hat, as in “I’m justified in my beliefs because of this historical or anthropological fact” this guy really takes the cake.

Anyone else know more about him?

The Canadian Dollar is a Petrodollar

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This is a chart of the value of the Canadian Loonie Versus the US Dollar

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This chart illustrates the price of oil in the same basic period.

Can you see the shape of these two charts.  The Value of the Loonie is tied directly to the price of Oil, it’s our most valuable resource in terms of trading power and currency value.  It’s about time that the Government took a hard look at whether it is a smart idea to let the Oil Companies continue to control a resource that truly sets Canada’s place in the world market.