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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-03

  • It’s quite cold out. Not cold enough for an undershirt, but it’s heading into that neighborhood #
  • Last night the two garbage bags outside my house reproduced and produced a third bag. I wish I had seen whomever dropped it there. #
  • @alternaloser They left evidence of malfeasance, they tore my other bags and left bits and pieces all over my lawn. in reply to alternaloser #
  • Maybe I should have shaved, I feel kinda out of it, I had about 4 hours sleep last night then Jen woke me up coming to bed at 3 am. #
  • I’m guess he didn’t know the Xmas eve rule: #
  • @alternaloser What, Bush wasn’t? in reply to alternaloser #
  • Someone sneak over to Damon’s Desk and right “Psilons Paid me to Write this” on his board, pics or it didn’t happen #
  • @RevNathan were you “The Rev” or were you some established character? in reply to RevNathan #
  • @definetheline My mind works best in the shower. That’s when all the gears turn correctly and the neurons fire right. in reply to definetheline #
  • Your Sample is too small: “The married and unmarried focus groups of 10” #
  • I ended up not feeling like getting wet last night…maybe we’ll go out and shoot tonight if we don’t end up driving to Kincardine #
  • The laptop build I’m working on went Pop, trying again… #
  • hmmm, can’t get to the phone at home… phone is off the hook #
  • @happyguy Re: The Gaming Conference, maybe if I have the cash l8ter on. in reply to happyguy #
  • I was going to comment on a blog, but realized that I’m not sure that my NDA is up. Is it up? I don’t know. #
  • @happyguy I was complimented on my work emails recently, “English Major?” “10 years of emails and statements for a corp. web site” “Gotcha” in reply to happyguy #
  • That’s it, I think I am gonna vote, something. I asked for a copyright pledge from the locals in my riding, stay tuned! #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-02

  • I had to turn on the heater last night; for your records that is October 1, 2008; It’s set to 65 overnight and 70 in the AM for a bit #
  • @chris_johnson New West to the Coalition States? Why not traverse a Rift? (This random tweet brought to you by Palladium Games) in reply to chris_johnson #
  • Search for “Oh say can you rock” on google… #
  • @Avatarpress It did it here too, Summer will be back next week for a return tour I bet. in reply to Avatarpress #
  • Busy setting up laptops today #
  • @happyguy The King’s Diner? in reply to happyguy #
  • @happyguy That’s east of Richmond, sorry, near Galleria, but it is the best in reply to happyguy #
  • @HybridZero I’d suggested the Kings Diner near Galleria, but it’s just east of Richmond. in reply to HybridZero #
  • @brianshaler I usually stuff it under my chair. in reply to brianshaler #
  • I have to leave the building, on the clock and venture out to get AAA batteries. May go to Walmart to do it. #
  • @HybridZero You’re very welcome. If you get the chance, try their Chicken Salad Sandwich, it’s great. in reply to HybridZero #
  • The Batmobile hiccuped and died on the road today. It may not be long for this world #
  • I just gave myself a mild case of electrocution #
  • I should work on a video tonight… something. #
  • @joeljohnson Smokers tend to litter anyway, biodegradable plant seed smokes might be awesome. Patent it, do it now, now now now. in reply to joeljohnson #
  • @DVDQuotes No one watched House Party 2, not even Camron from the Young Black Teenagers, and he was in it. in reply to DVDQuotes #
  • Chicken Dinner tonight, any suggestions? #
  • oh, wait, curry. I’ll make curry #
  • @Ultramegakungfu I think those are halloween costumes in reply to Ultramegakungfu #
  • Laughing so hard that I’m crying at “Shoot the Messenger” #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-01

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Twitter Updates for 2008-09-30

  • Spencer the Cat woke me up by biting my hands and elbows this morning. This is his friendly good morning. #
  • Too. Much. Fibre. #
  • I dreamed last night that I was trapped in a grand hotel with no electricity or running water, the road outside was full of sand dunes. #
  • Theme Notes “The Comments need to be fixed” #
  • Neat “Gapminder” #
  • @RevNathan you can finally finish some of that short fiction you’ve been flailing at. LoL in reply to RevNathan #
  • The main Difference between Suge Knight and Sarah Palin is Suge knight would have the sense to keep that kid away from his daughter. #
  • Suge Knight once developed a means to bring comic characters into reality, just so he could smack Superman around for kicks #
  • Once upon a time Suge Knight met the big bad wolf in the deep dark forest, now Suge has a wolf skin coat. #
  • When your cat just freezes and stares at nothing, they are watching out for Suge Knight, somewhere, out there…. #
  • Awaiting feedback. #
  • Please accept that I find Dexter and Trueblood to be very poorly written exercises in television. Also, I hate “Sassy” stereo-characters. #
  • While @warrenellis is like Tesla with Beer, Jack Black is like Emile Hirsch, with a face that ages naturally, as opposed to perpetual boyism #
  • Rogers Routing issues resolved in London #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-09-29

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Twitter Updates for 2008-09-26

  • Suge Knight knows how to the stop the violence, take a nap #
  • Suge Knight knows how to play the violin #
  • Suge Knight’s got a taste for Diamonds #
  • And Suge Knight’s got a taste for Violence. #
  • There is a rap song about Suge Knight running through my head. It is a song that ONLY exisits in my head. #
  • It is performed by Fat Lip. #
  • If you eat at McDonalds, Suge Knight is keep your food preserved: #
  • The Cold War Kids are much more Generic when you get into their Album. Which is not so good. #
  • @RayS The View is okay, it’s better than Maury or Montel. in reply to RayS #
  • I don’t magically know you work for a competitor, if you do, you have to disclose that fact or you are acting in bad faith. #
  • WE all looked at each other and decided that public opinion was easily swayed, so we released an ad that said Our Guy won, and that was it. #
  • @joeljohnson It just dawned on me that you’ll have like 2000 UO kids pinging you all over so you won’t need any advice on where to go at all in reply to joeljohnson #
  • @happyguy I believe so in reply to happyguy #
  • Have to leave soon, putting the “batmobile” into the shop to get the muffler replaced. #
  • Alright, heading out. Time to visit the car doctor. #
  • @shelisrael McCain pulls ahead based on what though? I really want to start getting polls with comments on “why” from the polled. in reply to shelisrael #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-09-25

  • Innocently Discussing Politics: Me: Guys on the right-wing blogs don’t hesitate to call Obama the N-word. E: Narcissist? #
  • @RevNathan I was wandering around the kitchen ranting about the fox "furor" over a CBC article on Palin when it came up. in reply to RevNathan #
  • For those of you keeping score, I *do* wander around my house talking out loud to television pundits on YouTube. Judge Not and so on. #
  • My counter proposal to the bail-out plan, The fill-in plan: Saddle the companies with forced payouts to all employees and creditors. #
  • Trying to tell someone a truth they cannot understand is no different than lying to them #
  • Get your smoke on indoors without breaking the law: #
  • @Ultramegakungfu Mwa ha ha, she’s the witch of the north-west, the witchiest of all witches there’s no need, also you forgot about Dre. in reply to Ultramegakungfu #
  • You know that feeling, when you get the shivvers. That’s Suge Knight tickling your soul. #
  • Outside, when the light’s dim and the crickets chirp louder, they are warning you that Suge KNight could be outside, waiting. #
  • The Motion of the Galaxies away from each other, that’s a panicked run from Suge Knight. #
  • Sometimes, when you are sitting quietly in the dark, you think you are hearing your heartbeat, no, that’s Suge Knight schoolin’ a fool. #
  • New Math? Sure? Suge Knight + Your Money = Happy Suge Knight. #
  • Suge Knight sleeps with one eye open, he knows the Sun won’t come correct unless he’s watching #
  • When you run out of sugar at home, don’t yell out "I need Sugar!", Suge Knight has bad hearing and might come running, and then what? #
  • Candyman was scared to say Suge Knight even once in the mirror, in case Suge Knight appeared and set him right with the world. #
  • Suge Knight doesn’t shave his head, his hair follicles obey his metal commands, if Suge wants it, FOOM, instant ‘fro. #
  • If Ted Nugent tried to shoot Suge Knight with an arrow, Suge would let him do it once, because Suge Loves Wango Tango, but only once. #
  • If Pres. Bush was to appoint a Secretary of Keeping the Earth Turning, it would have to be Suge Knight, who has been doing it for years. #
  • Suge Knight doesn’t shave his head, his hair follicles obey his mental commands, if Suge wants it, FOOM, instant ‘fro #
  • I can’t wait: #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-09-24

  • I smell like a deep fryer; Jen washed my shirt with a bunch of towels used to sop up hot corn oil. #
  • Suzanne Vega shares a story; you like: #
  • AWESOME: (Sarah Palin Fans Must Read) #
  • More Grist for the Sarah Palin Mill #
  • In a tear of even more nostalgia; I’m listening to "Nevermind" #
  • The Most perfect Song of the past 8 years, "You know you’re right" by Nirvana. Take that Tupac Shakur. #
  • I feel all over greasy, This shirt is going in the laundry when I get home #
  • I have become convinced that our distant domain admins have lost the ability to reason critically. #
  • Oregon: Blue Islands in the Red
  • @xenijardin "John, while you have been steadily compiling your works have you happened upon a stubborn fact that wanted to remain u … in reply to xenijardin #
  • The Ultimate Retort when you are being blamed: "No, THAT was Grandpapa" #
  • I think the funniest thing that will happen next February will be the flood of complaints about best buy and their "broken" tvs. #
  • You might think I’m wrong because I want you to have free health care; I think you’re misguided for thinking I don’t deserve it. #
  • @RayS Y’alright? in reply to RayS #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-09-23

  • It’s a woot off today #
  • I say to you,that if you have never found something so dear and precious to you that you will die for it, then you aren’t fit to live. -MLK #
  • Whoop, big tech mystery solved. Break out the Hamburgers and Hero sandwiches! #
  • Did you ever notice, that when a road has been graded and you drive at the right speed, it sounds like a chorus singing? #
  • @RevNathan I’m far from blameless, but I’m the only one who wants to do anything substantive about it. in reply to RevNathan #
  • @RevNathan That can and has been done, have you ever taken an addictive substance from an addict? #
  • Took down “That Post” it was WAY too personal. #
  • @mollycrabapple It’s a great article, if more tepid and tentative than it needed, like it had been tempered in milk or something in reply to mollycrabapple #
  • For Later viewing #
  • Also for later: #
  • @wilw I just banned them (crocs) from the house, shoes or sensible sandals pleases in reply to wilw #

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