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Month: May 2008

How is your weekend going?

Giant Mascot!, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

This Guy was in my cube farm at Symantec.

I’ve been fairly busy since Thursday and haven’t blogged about anything much.

I was excited this morning to find an interview request for a firm in London; only to be crestfallen when I realized it was basically spam. It was a real request, but it was for a scam job.


So here you are, another weekend, are you making the most of it? (I cleaned the bat mobile and discovered that the horrible noise we were hearing on the way up north on Friday was a hole in the muffler.

How is your weekend going?

Twitter Updates for 2008-05-08

  • Ifeel bad for missing the meetups, but we’re just not settled in London yet. Maybe once we have a couch and chairs…. #
  • In regards to that trailer I posted: “Thug Life!” #
  • Somwhere all my web 2.0 software is plotting against me. #
  • and not checking spelling. #

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