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Month: November 2008

Activity on 2008-11-21

twitter (feed #9) 9:00am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Good Morning, wipers on new car stuck in “lifted” state due to ice this AM, going to have to carefully clean them if I leave the car outside
twitter (feed #9) 9:19am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Jen smacked the Batmobile into shelving units yesterday. Not too much damage, car is going to scrap yard this week sometime.
twitter (feed #9) 11:50am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Busy morning, frustrated by hard-coded paths in code.. LoL
twitter (feed #9) 3:56pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Strictly for the Jedi Fans
twitter (feed #9) 4:52pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Do you remember that Summer?

There were 5 Events on November 21st

Activity on 2008-11-19

twitter (feed #9) 7:45am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Good Morning, took ages to get going today, hopefully the flywheel is up to speed now.
twitter (feed #9) 11:52am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I had to use a MAN page to resolve a question and consult Kernel notes to verify something, truly this is a golden nerdy age.
twitter (feed #9) 12:20pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Racist of the Week: Sad Bastard BNP Member
twitter (feed #9) 12:21pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

HTOP is the Shizz, that is all.
twitter (feed #9) 12:33pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: For Rememberance Sake and SSH in the Future

There were 5 Events on November 19th

For Rememberance Sake and SSH in the Future

    Credit to:

    Getting Started

  1. First, install OpenSSH on two UNIX machines, hurly and burly. This works best using DSA keys and SSH2 by default as far as I can tell. All the other HOWTOs I’ve seen seem to deal with RSA keys and SSH1, and the instructions not surprisingly fail to work with SSH2.
  2. On each machine type ssh and make a connection with your regular password. This will create a .ssh dir in your home directory with the proper perms.
  3. On your primary machine where you want your secret keys to live (let’s say hurly), type
    ssh-keygen -t dsa

    This will prompt you for a secret passphrase. If this is your primary identity key, make sure to use a good passphrase. If this works right you will get two files called id_dsa and in your .ssh dir. Note: it is possible to just press the enter key when prompted for a passphrase, which will make a key with no passphrase. This is a Bad Idea ™ for an identity key, so don’t do it! See below for uses of keys without passphrases.

  4. scp ~/.ssh/ burly:.ssh/authorized_keys2

    Copy the file to the other host’s .ssh dir with the name authorized_keys2.

  5. Now burly is ready to accept your ssh key. How to tell it which keys to use? The ssh-add command will do it. For a test, type
    ssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add < /dev/null && bash'

    This will start the ssh-agent, add your default identity(prompting you for your passphrase), and spawn a bash shell. From this new shell you should be able to:

  6. ssh burly

Racist of the Week: Sad Bastard BNP Member

I’m a fucking Prison Officer! My name is printed on the list too! I’d like the party to make a legal case under the DPA 1998 and the Human Rights Act to have all the people on this list protected in some way.

Anonymous Commenter

An unknown party leaked the Party Membership rolls of the British National Party to the Internet.  Which prompted some discussion on the matter.

Like other organizations of the same stripe (The National Socialist Party or the Christian Heritage Party) the BNP gets by on either Xenophobic persecution of the “other” in society or the call for a return to “traditional values”.  This appeals to people on a number of levels; it appeals to their desire for a stable society (which is an admirable desire, as society really needs some form of status quo) and a desire for a “return to gentler values” which may be suspect as I think a long-view of history would show that the world is in fact a much gentler place than it has ever been, but with a more aggressive face (all hat no battle so to speak).

Yet, where these organization stray from their admirable goals is the use of prejudices to gain acceptance, rather than organizing around an ideal like “You remember how when you were a kid, your mom took good care of you, we’re like that” they say “remember when there were no something-ies in the neighbourhood, we liked that and want things like that again”.  We have one ideal of a positive and one couched in a prejudicial negative.   Rather than “for” something, the BNP is organized as “against” something and someone else.  Which is where they have really lost their way.

I’m all for cultural preservation and the celebration of national history, swing that bat all you want.  It’s just that in civil society, you don’t threaten to use a REAL BAT to do it.

As for this sad little Prison Officer, look where he wants to go, he wants the Government to protect him, the same Government he previously chided for giving asylum to other oppressed persons.  The Irony is thick and delicious, kind of like a nice Clotted Cream.

Activity on 2008-11-18

twitter (feed #9) 8:55am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

If Winter could only be like today, snow (light) overnight and sunny, clear mornings (or in my case later on, evenings)
twitter (feed #9) 3:33pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Drove in without incident today, graded roads are still the bane of Kevin.
twitter (feed #9) 3:35pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan Tell Lauren to do air sprints while laying on her back, legs in te air (gently) and attempt to move Violet slowly back.. IANAD
twitter (feed #9) 4:01pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I may not thrill you, but I just deplyed my first app at my bew job
twitter (feed #9) 4:12pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

D’oh “Bew Bew”! that’s the sound my Zap Gun Makes!
twitter (feed #9) 4:19pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Tragic and Entertaining – Tradgetaining
twitter (feed #9) 4:39pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

My Question is: Will Jello Biafra be okay with Obama “Not” walking to his inauguration? The constant threats hove got to considered.
twitter (feed #9) 5:55pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

On the phone praying to the Insurane Gods and listening to the same 4 songs over and over again…
twitter (feed #9) 6:06pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

On the phone praying to the Insurance Gods and listening to the same 4 songs over and over again…and again

There were 9 Events on November 18th

Activity on 2008-11-17

twitter (feed #9) 7:38am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

OH: “Did you hear they finally found a cure for antidisestablishmentarianism?” “Great, I can finally take off this Puce Ribbon!”
twitter (feed #9) 11:44am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Now @ work at new office, everone is cool, busy busy workplace
twitter (feed #9) 1:19pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

When will I hear from the Oregon DMV? Soon, I hope. my Transmission ALMOST died this AM
twitter (feed #9) 3:04pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

For those of you keeping score, My car would not go into gear this AM when I was trying to drive
twitter (feed #9) 4:43pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@almightygod That’s awesome, when will you Punish Minnesota for Prince?
twitter (feed #9) 5:07pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@Ultramegakungfu At Minimum Zero at Max Infinite; depends how you look at the possibility of an afterlife and the religious role of marriage
twitter (feed #9) 6:31pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I was almost moved to tears when my car wouldn’t move this morning.
twitter (feed #9) 6:37pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

First day at new job is over, forms to fill out now.
twitter (feed #9) 6:54pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

OMG Twitter tools went CRAZY… sorry about that. Well, gotta go finish some paperwork

There were 9 Events on November 17th

Activity on 2008-11-15

twitter (feed #9) 8:28am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

The DMV is closed for the weekend, I wonder if Debbie got my calls?
lastfm (feed #4) 8:35am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 8:41am Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 8:41am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Yeah, you should prtty much check out the free Amazing Baby ep
lastfm (feed #4) 8:45am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 8:49am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 8:57am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 8:59am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:05am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:08am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:12am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:16am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:20am Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 5:41pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

The “Brave and the Bold” Sucked. Boooo
twitter (feed #9) 8:22pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan Cha Ching!
flickr (feed #2) 11:15pm Posted a photo on Flickr.

There were 16 Events on November 15th

Weekly Roundup from 2008-11-15

  • Good Monday, I have not slept much; when I did sleep, I had nightmares. I’m stressed over the big change and maybe getting a new car. #
  • Changed all my passwords over here for the last time or at least, for the last time during this contract. #
  • Petrolheads, in terms of a Family Car, at 16,000 Cdn. is a 2008 Grand Prix worth it? Jen is in love with it already, so I may have no choice #
  • Are you there Jah? It’s me Ras Kev. #
  • Neat Tutorials #
  • Must Remember to get second Gt 8500 card on way home from work…. Lol #
  • I know it’s wrong, but I could kill a hot dog with mustard, relish and ketchup… or maybe a burger. What is in the caff. right now? #
  • Snow, again. Damn. #
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, Republican Furries #
  • Who is this: “his relentless greed and lack of bass playing talent are definitely basis for a drunken’ stepfather-like beat down” #
  • Got soaked at the dealer…. I really did… payments are deal able but insurance is killer! #
  • A Cell phone for my dad: #
  • As for me, I think I am going to get the “free” blackberry phone, since I can’t justify paying 200 for the iphone. #
  • You know what I can’t wait to do? Drive the new car with my “Top gear Mix” running… that’ll be sweet. #
  • I still don’t know if my “If you kill it, you must refill it” sign is still in the break room near my old desk. #
  • “And the Papers want to know who’s shirt you wear” #
  • Considering who to Insure with, want renters insurance too… #
  • A mostly “not punk” punk movie list: #
  • I’m sorry ifI offend, but: eeewww: #
  • For a month I will be a “9-5″er then I switch to a night owl… I wonder if I will become an albino? #
  • LOL #
  • I could go for pea soup right now, any good “soup” places in London? #
  • Hmm, I think I’ll call a customer or two back and try to close out more tickets. #
  • AS: “Give us the proof of Trig’s maternity now!” #
  • Listening to NWO by Ministry. #
  • Dear Santa; Send me this #
  • Postal workers (in this example) don’t understand the exchange of cash for services #
  • Dear Service Ontario, your Kiosks are convenient and efficient. Good Job! #
  • Oregon Tweeters, can you pick up a driver record for another person in Person? #
  • In Bureaucratic HELL! #
  • If you are ever in ontario license hell, call 1-8003873445, then option 1, then 2, then 0 (maybe) #
  • Oregonians, can someone call the records department and ask if one can expedite a records request with a credit card and a fax number? #
  • That would be a driving record request #
  • Where is Robert Novak? #
  • Johnny Cash to get the Day Going #
  • While I prefer the `Nails’ Version of Hurt; I can do a better Impression of Johnny Cash singing than I can of Trent Reznor, it’s a problem. #
  • Why did we shift to “Superheroes” in the 20th Century? Are Superheroes the modern expression of the same need/want as myths like Hercules? #
  • Ministry “Cover Up” Now…. Johnny Cash, My Chemical Romance, Ministry, Todd Snider …. odd mix today. #
  • neat #
  • I was trying to figure out a Musical that didn’t “suck” I realize that I may have meant “Across the Universe” but E.R.W a sour note in it. #
  • I was trying to figure out a Musical that didn’t “suck” I realize that I may have meant “Across the Universe” but E.R.W was terrible in it! #
  • Transporter 3 (November 26) Holy Crap #
  • “constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil.” = “Material Support for Terrorism” AMIRITE? #
  • Picked up my last laptop on site. About 4 hours from contract end #
  • Re:PickupPal getting fined | They were fined because of the “compensation” part; not because of Ride Sharing. Lurn 2 reeed. #
  • I am going on to my Job Shadowing for my new Job on Monday, I’m not a Computer Janitor anymore, but I think I’ll miss it. #

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Activity on 2008-11-14

flickr (feed #2) 6:32am Posted a photo on Flickr.

twitter (feed #9) 6:34am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Shockin’ Y’All
twitter (feed #9) 6:43am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Pump Ya Breaks
lastfm (feed #4) 6:48am Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 8:26am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I was trying to figure out a Musical that didn’t “suck” I realize that I may have meant “Across the Universe” but E.R.W a sour note in it.
twitter (feed #9) 8:27am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I was trying to figure out a Musical that didn’t “suck” I realize that I may have meant “Across the Universe” but E.R.W was terrible in it!
twitter (feed #9) 8:45am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: It is a rare day where I get to pass along the good vibes
twitter (feed #9) 9:06am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Transporter 3 (November 26) Holy Crap
twitter (feed #9) 10:43am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

“constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil.” = “Material Support for Terrorism” AMIRITE?
twitter (feed #9) 12:04pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Picked up my last laptop on site. About 4 hours from contract end
twitter (feed #9) 12:53pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Re:PickupPal getting fined | They were fined because of the “compensation” part; not because of Ride Sharing. Lurn 2 reeed.
twitter (feed #9) 9:40pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I am going on to my Job Shadowing for my new Job on Monday, I’m not a Computer Janitor anymore, but I think I’ll miss it.

There were 12 Events on November 14th