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Day: August 17, 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-17

  • @RayS OOOOHHHHHHHHH That is what the doctor visits were for. How are we all now? #
  • @xenijardin I LoL’d like a maniac (if you change it before anyone sees it, you had a Mango avatar… classic, pure gold) #
  • – Oasis at JLC #
  • @almightygod Given that the sabbath is Saturday, why does it matter if I’m not giving up my Sunday morning? #
  • @markwilson12 Brown Eyed Girl, but for purely cultural reasons from my youth, not due to content. #
  • Upgraded blogs, fixed “flickr-draft- so it also held youtube videos in Draft, made my Manga face much more menacing, dropped front page #
  • Good News you missed this week: #
  • Wow, Fucking Sad: #
  • @almightygod sounded like a joke, 5000 years on Saturday then a switch in the mid 5500s? Sounded like shenanigans. Did you ask Iehova? #
  • @jephjacques Red Robin, Loved their Burgers, but wished their fries came naked. #
  • @michaelpinto Wish the Georgians hadn’t started it then. #
  • @michaelpinto Sorry, I should complete that thought, Russia is getting burned in the press over this, it really IS the Bush Admins fault. #
  • Disclaimer: The Russian Government could be evil as hell, but the Russian People (as well as Slavics/Asia major/Poles) are AWESOME #
  • Cabbage Soup for the Win, eh? #
  • @michaelpinto Sure, up until 1991.. (probably more like 1995…) that’s not excuse to turn on “your own people” with guns… #
  • Twitter makes me express myself in much smaller packages than I enjoy. It is like a brevity training seminar. #
  • @michaelpinto Idunno, If not for “assurances” from the Bush admin, it appears the Georgians might have just let S.Ossetia ‘escape’ #
  • God damn it write ‘toe the line’, TOE not TOW, it’s not about pulling a rope! Think “step up to the line” or “stand on this line”. #
  • Dear SL, I hate you, signed Kevin. #

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