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Month: October 2008

What went down for 2008-10-25


lastfm (feed #4) 11:37am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 11:42am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 11:49am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 11:55am Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:01pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:06pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:16pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:23pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:31pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:37pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:43pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:48pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:52pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 12:58pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 1:01pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 3:57pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan Goddess of Discord and Chaos, You insane literate fools

Weekly Roundup from 2008-10-25

  • Go HERE, SEE THIS: Terry Tate Returns #
  • Also This: #
  • If you are not familiar with Terry Tate’s Work as an Office Linebacker: #
  • I shouldn’t be this tired…. #
  • Good Morning Power Cut, did you enjoy shutting down all the machines in the office? Did you? #
  • Crawling on my Knees… This dirt it will not Clear…. #
  • It’s not like there is a World Champion Asshole Contest – But these guys take the Gold either way: DIAF! #
  • Waiting for Contact. #
  • If something is “just a game” why is it so time consuming? #
  • I hope that my clothes are folded like I was promised. #
  • I won’t laugh if you try to defend laissez faire capitalism by pointing at the profits of car insurance companies, but I might giggle. #
  • Hmmm, the power-supply on my desk started to, umm, fizzz and squeak. Unplugged #
  • Heading to the A&P Want anything while I’m there? #
  • Good Morning. Did you Sleep Well? #
  • Is Obama “The Smiler”? #
  • I installed “Air” at home, I should try out tweetdeck… also, I am not on my way to a career in visual effects… I suck at it thus far. #
  • My is going to look strange for today, “Stronger” and “Can’t Tell me Nothin'” over and over and over today…. Kanye West FTW #
  • MeFi: In heaven there is no beer
    That’s why we drink it here
    And when we’re gone from here
    All our friends will be drinking all the beer. #
  • Getting kinda Down. Need something to lighten the mood. What Pop Music do I have here? #
  • Today is AntiPiracy Day…. What are you doing to Defeat the Pirate Scourge? #
  • Second life Gor People: Learn to spell; these chat logs are laughable excoriations of public education. #
  • I had to look up a word in my last tweet, I used a dictionary. Second Life People take note. #
  • You know what; the fact that no one in the McCain camp is trying to defend Mike Lunsford makes me feel good about them for a bit. #
  • Do these people even realize that it was a conservative supreme court that held up eminent domain? Who’s the Socialist now? #
  • If Prison is the punishment, why do people cheer for “them gettin’ theirs” in Prison? Why not just use corporal punishment and be done? #
  • Nathan et al, what comics are good this week? Is Walking Dead 54 out this week? Where is my next Invincible? #
  • OK, even though I don’t have a dog in the fight, I think I want to avoid the politics on November 4th. Suggestions? #
  • David Ben-Ariel Responds #
  • AGH, It’s SNOWING !!!!! (somewhere in Ontario) #
  • Good Morning Twitter, I see Frost. Not the cool BBC Detective kind either. #
  • Back @ the office, coffee in hand. #
  • John McCain spent $8,672.55 on make-up [for himself] in September. I didn’t spend that much on my car. #
  • John McCain spent $8,672.55 on make-up [for himself] in September. That’s Rent for just over 8 months for me. #
  • If you can vote early, vote today, okay? #
  • The long form drama queen courtship of SL Gor players is sickening and amusing. It’s the misspelled love story of Misogyny and Misanthropy. #
  • The McCain campaign spent $49,425.74 in one store in Early September to outfit their pet Pit bull. That’s a lot of Lipstick. #
  • I think I’ve had more spam at my blog now than actual visitors…. that kinda sucks #
  • Gotta Make a Shopping list, tight budget this pay period. (I do live paycheck to paycheck) #
  • WTF Broccoli #
  • Time to go through good money after bad… cheers. #
  • I have an Ogre Slaying Knife: #
  • JM:The use of campaign funds for … strictly personal reasons, … erodes public confidence and erodes it significantly | 1993 #
  • It has +10 for slaying Ogres: #
  • New Label Cartridge today! It Prints White on Black with Larger Letters. How Exciting! #
  • In case you missed it, I de-linked all the posts to David Ben-Ariel’s website, save the “big” link to his Blog listings. He got his traffic. #
  • Crossed is going to be 10 Issues long. It might be the most violent Comic (outside of Japanese Ones) I’ve ever seen. #
  • 5,555 spam…. Hmmm. #
  • Somebody from my old Workplace ask Chris Smith how he is voting this time round, I *HAVE* to know. #
  • Nm, I’ll ask him myself. #
  • Must Keep and Eye on this: #
  • After Work plans; Fill up on Gas, Obtain Cheese Cloth or Fine Strainer, Obtain “good” fresh bread, Make Home Made Butter. enjoy #
  • Are my emails reaching their intended destination? #
  • It’s the end for me… the work day is over again. Good evening; I may tweet later. #
  • My hands smell of Fresh Butter #
  • Magical 6″4 man avoids bank Cameras via unknown technology. It’s in the news, so you have to believe it #
  • Flurries? Flurries? Damn you Earth! #
  • If you’re a wordpress user and you have not upgraded to 2.6.3, it’s time. #
  • Did someone just burst into tears over there? Investigating. #
  • No one crying… oh well. Someone is wearing some nice smelling Perfume around here, but seriously I’m 30 feet from anyone, that’s 2 much! #
  • I’ve been wondering what the title of this flick was for years: #
  • In case you are interested, here is how you make home made butter, one pint of whipping cream + 20min long beating with mixer = Butter #
  • Maybe Watching Akira tonight… #
  • Magical Camera Avoiding Man Exonerated: #
  • Did anyone notice that the AP story changed to say “Backwards B”? #
  • The Original Story: A woman robbed at knifepoint at… carved a “B” in her face after noticing a John McCain sticker on her car. #
  • mmmm What am I going to do for Supper? #
  • MF:Tomorrow Bush is going to give a press conference with “jihad” scratched backwards on his forehead. #
  • London: 43 degrees north | Eugene: 44 degrees north. #
  • 8 years Later: Whassssuuuuup? #

Powered by Twitter Tools.

What went down for 2008-10-24


twitter (feed #9) 7:26am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Flurries? Flurries? Damn you Earth!
twitter (feed #9) 8:33am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

If you’re a wordpress user and you have not upgraded to 2.6.3, it’s time.
twitter (feed #9) 8:35am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Did someone just burst into tears over there? Investigating.
twitter (feed #9) 8:41am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

No one crying… oh well. Someone is wearing some nice smelling Perfume around here, but seriously I’m 30 feet from anyone, that’s 2 much!
twitter (feed #9) 8:52am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I’ve been wondering what the title of this flick was for years:
twitter (feed #9) 9:24am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Bathgate 2.0
twitter (feed #9) 11:31am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: I honor of Hallowe’en (samhuinn) New Plots for Dracula
lastfm (feed #4) 12:07pm Scrobbled a song on

twitter (feed #9) 12:10pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

In case you are interested, here is how you make home made butter, one pint of whipping cream + 20min long beating with mixer = Butter
twitter (feed #9) 12:12pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Maybe Watching Akira tonight…
twitter (feed #9) 3:10pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

twitter (feed #9) 3:11pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Did anyone notice that the AP story changed to say “Backwards B”?
twitter (feed #9) 3:12pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

The Original Story: A woman robbed at knifepoint at… carved a “B” in her face after noticing a John McCain sticker on her car.
twitter (feed #9) 3:15pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@Ultramegakungfu I’m just noting that AP changed the details to match the lie… odd.
twitter (feed #9) 3:27pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

mmmm What am I going to do for Supper?
twitter (feed #9) 4:00pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

MF:Tomorrow Bush is going to give a press conference with “jihad” scratched backwards on his forehead.
twitter (feed #9) 4:01pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan It acutally hasn’t struck here yet, I’m hoping My horrified waving and screaming is keepig it away. I’m further south than you..
twitter (feed #9) 4:02pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

London: 43 degrees north | Eugene: 44 degrees north.
twitter (feed #9) 5:24pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

8 years Later: Whassssuuuuup?

I honor of Hallowe'en (samhuinn) New Plots for Dracula

AgDamage Vlad has seen Better Days.  The whole Vampire mythos is about as stale as a series of Animated Bloodthirsty Corpses can be.  Vampires have been KungFu Artists, Cowboys, Criminals and Oversexed Kittens.

Francis Ford Coppolla gave us Dracula’s story as a timeless Love Story, a Romeo and Juliet between a fallen Holy Soldier and his lost Wife.

Vampires have even been a sexy alien menace.

It’s time for a new Dracula, abandoning everything that has gone one before.  A Vampire in a world that has no concept of it.  Imagine a teenage girl, finding that she has died in a freak accident on Church Grounds, finding herself in a coffin.  Forced to dig her way out she’s lost and disoriented, it’s been weeks since she died.  She’s ravenous, she drains a family dog, then vomits the blood.  It’s not animal blood she needs.

While the Vampire priest has been done (to death) the Vampire Postal Clerk hasn’t.  A Documentary style Horror/Comedy about a secretive man who is charged with being a pedophile and is instead found to be a vampire, touching off a worldwide hunt for the Vampires.

Dracula was never a Vampire.  He was always just a human pretender, but was clever enough to fool whole swathes of humanity.  When his secret is close to discovery, he seeks out a real vampire, a monster too terrifying to be real, unleashing a massive wave of “true” vampire bats that go on to infect a massive swath of the population of Europe.  Dracula is then forced to battle the Vampires he was pretending to be.

Bathgate 2.0

Cafe in Bathgate, Scotland by Sarchi

This is the “Main Street” leading up “the hill” into the proper Downtown or Precinct of Bathgate (West Lothian, Scotland).  The White Building at the end there is (perhaps former) Masonic Lodge Bar.  The “Kurry King” wasn’t there the last time I was in Bathgate (I think Thomas Cook was) and of course, There are three Internet related stores right there.  Crazy.  When I was last in the UK, the only PC I had access to had an amber screen and these odd “solid state” disks that had motors in them.

That was over 15 years ago now.


I think I should start saving for a trip; if only so that my Daughter can see Scotland before she’s too old to see it like a Kid.

What went down for 2008-10-23


twitter (feed #9) 4:17am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@almightygod Your Sample was too small if 9% < 9 subjects
twitter (feed #9) 4:25am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

twitter (feed #9) 4:27am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

JM:The use of campaign funds for … strictly personal reasons, … erodes public confidence and erodes it significantly | 1993
twitter (feed #9) 4:43am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

twitter (feed #9) 5:20am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New Label Cartridge today! It Prints White on Black with Larger Letters. How Exciting!
twitter (feed #9) 5:21am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

In case you missed it, I de-linked all the posts to David Ben-Ariel’s website, save the “big” link to his Blog listings. He got his traffic.
twitter (feed #9) 6:45am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan Read it, Don’t care, zero impact on the DC universe as a whole… IC proved DC doesn’t care about continuity.
twitter (feed #9) 6:46am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@almightygod Also, Belief in Talking Snakes and The Sun revolving around the Earth = McCain Vote.
twitter (feed #9) 6:50am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Crossed is going to be 10 Issues long. It might be the most violent Comic (outside of Japanese Ones) I’ve ever seen.
twitter (feed #9) 7:04am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan Nice, thanks Nathan!
twitter (feed #9) 7:07am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Autumn is Here
twitter (feed #9) 7:27am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: To Draw it down to Numbers
twitter (feed #9) 7:51am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

5,555 spam…. Hmmm.
twitter (feed #9) 9:01am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Somebody from my old Workplace ask Chris Smith how he is voting this time round, I *HAVE* to know.
twitter (feed #9) 9:03am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Nm, I’ll ask him myself.
twitter (feed #9) 9:07am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan Yah, I read that cracked article too, and was like, Damn, I just saw him Oceans 13 and all.
twitter (feed #9) 10:10am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@alternaloser I don’t think I can share it. It’s his personal opinion and it was clear that it is strongly felt.
twitter (feed #9) 10:47am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Must Keep and Eye on this:
twitter (feed #9) 11:01am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@happyguy The google Says “No”
twitter (feed #9) 11:02am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@ChrisOnTheMoon I recommend Chewbacca
twitter (feed #9) 11:20am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan I stopped before you posted… he clearly feels really deeply about it
twitter (feed #9) 11:40am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

After Work plans; Fill up on Gas, Obtain Cheese Cloth or Fine Strainer, Obtain “good” fresh bread, Make Home Made Butter. enjoy
twitter (feed #9) 11:58am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Are my emails reaching their intended destination?
twitter (feed #9) 11:59am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

It’s the end for me… the work day is over again. Good evening; I may tweet later.
twitter (feed #9) 1:22pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

My hands smell of Fresh Butter
twitter (feed #9) 1:29pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Magical 6″4 man avoids bank Cameras via unknown technology. It’s in the news, so you have to believe it
digg (feed #3) 1:30pm Dugg a link on Digg.

twitter (feed #9) 1:54pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@snorkelman37 I Random text on occasion; but really, are you just bored this afternoon?

To Draw it down to Numbers

An American Carol Week Number One (1,639 Screens):

$3,656,000 1,639 $2,231 $3,656,000

Sicko Week Number One (441 Screens):

$4,501,712 441 $10,208 $4,616,786

There has been alot of noise about “Real Americans” and “Real America” these past couple of days.  The McCain campaign makes much of the fact that their supports represent the silent majority or the moral majority of the Country.  The Down-home Salt of the earth that make up the real body of the electorate.  The Authoritarian Right would have you believe that Liberals make up a tiny black-hearted exceptional bump in the world, and that the Rock-Ribbed Conservatives are in the Majority (while simlutaneously telling us about how they are persecuted).

These discussions are sometimes referred to as culture wars, expressed in purchasing patterns and behaviors.  I can think of no better illustration of how North American people are really split than their viewing habits.  They have to pay to see these films, they sometimes have to drive over some distance to go there, more than television, movie habits reflect the will and tastes of the affluent west and these numbers don’t lie.

People in the Western World ARE Liberals.  They are Liberals by choice and in vast numbers, and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are deluded and foolish.  Now if only they could vote that way too.

Oh, and in case you don’t know, An American Carol lasted two weeks in Theatres and Sicko, 13.

What went down for 2008-10-22


twitter (feed #9) 3:30am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Good Morning Twitter, I see Frost. Not the cool BBC Detective kind either.
twitter (feed #9) 4:16am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Back @ the office, coffee in hand.
twitter (feed #9) 4:17am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@definetheline How Fabulous?
twitter (feed #9) 4:27am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

John McCain spent $8,672.55 on make-up [for himself] in September. I didn’t spend that much on my car.
twitter (feed #9) 4:28am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan I command you to stay home today and work Snapper Carr into your story and rename him Slapper Carr, Gigolo.
twitter (feed #9) 4:28am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

John McCain spent $8,672.55 on make-up [for himself] in September. That’s Rent for just over 8 months for me.
twitter (feed #9) 5:00am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

If you can vote early, vote today, okay?
twitter (feed #9) 6:24am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

The long form drama queen courtship of SL Gor players is sickening and amusing. It’s the misspelled love story of Misogyny and Misanthropy.
twitter (feed #9) 6:31am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

The McCain campaign spent $49,425.74 in one store in Early September to outfit their pet Pit bull. That’s a lot of Lipstick.
twitter (feed #9) 7:25am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Jack Black’s Parents were Rebels
twitter (feed #9) 9:22am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I think I’ve had more spam at my blog now than actual visitors…. that kinda sucks
twitter (feed #9) 9:28am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Gotta Make a Shopping list, tight budget this pay period. (I do live paycheck to paycheck)
twitter (feed #9) 10:49am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RickM Entry level is spelled incorrectly on that listing, and I think it should be hyphenated Entry-level.
twitter (feed #9) 10:52am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

twitter (feed #9) 11:17am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@Ultramegakungfu oh, just tell me it on FB
twitter (feed #9) 11:34am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@Ultramegakungfu then you’re gonna have to sign up for an account at local blogger and post it there.
twitter (feed #9) 11:39am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@Ultramegakungfu Not for the blood test?
twitter (feed #9) 11:43am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan No, I haven’t been following TT though. did they kill them?
twitter (feed #9) 11:45am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan I’m going to have to read it, aren’t I?
twitter (feed #9) 11:59am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Time to go through good money after bad… cheers.

What went down for 2008-10-21

October 20th

lastfm (feed #4) 9:25pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:30pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:34pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:38pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:42pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:45pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:51pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 9:57pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:04pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:08pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:12pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:16pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:20pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:24pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:29pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:34pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:38pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:41pm Scrobbled a song on

lastfm (feed #4) 10:46pm Scrobbled a song on


digg (feed #3) 7:19am Dugg a link on Digg.

twitter (feed #9) 8:19am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Good Morning. Did you Sleep Well?
twitter (feed #9) 8:29am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@fowgre I believe the term is Climate Change, the “Warming” part confuses the matter, as it mostly means more EXTREME weather; not warmer.
twitter (feed #9) 8:30am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@fowgre Yes, I know you that you already know that and were being “ironic”
twitter (feed #9) 8:45am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Short Story: Lights Out Part 3
twitter (feed #9) 9:38am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Is Obama “The Smiler”?
twitter (feed #9) 9:50am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I installed “Air” at home, I should try out tweetdeck… also, I am not on my way to a career in visual effects… I suck at it thus far.
twitter (feed #9) 10:59am Posted a tweet on Twitter.

My is going to look strange for today, “Stronger” and “Can’t Tell me Nothin'” over and over and over today…. Kanye West FTW
twitter (feed #9) 12:33pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

MeFi: In heaven there is no beer
That’s why we drink it here
And when we’re gone from here
All our friends will be drinking all the beer.
twitter (feed #9) 12:51pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

New blog post: Racist of the Week: David Ben-Ariel
twitter (feed #9) 1:10pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Getting kinda Down. Need something to lighten the mood. What Pop Music do I have here?
twitter (feed #9) 1:15pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Today is AntiPiracy Day…. What are you doing to Defeat the Pirate Scourge?
twitter (feed #9) 1:18pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Second life Gor People: Learn to spell; these chat logs are laughable excoriations of public education.
twitter (feed #9) 1:19pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

I had to look up a word in my last tweet, I used a dictionary. Second Life People take note.
twitter (feed #9) 1:22pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

You know what; the fact that no one in the McCain camp is trying to defend Mike Lunsford makes me feel good about them for a bit.
twitter (feed #9) 2:21pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Do these people even realize that it was a conservative supreme court that held up eminent domain? Who’s the Socialist now?
twitter (feed #9) 2:22pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RickM I hate “Partner” when used to describe a romantic connection, especially a cohabitant.
twitter (feed #9) 2:49pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@alternaloser “Suicide” is such a non sequitur.
twitter (feed #9) 3:13pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

If Prison is the punishment, why do people cheer for “them gettin’ theirs” in Prison? Why not just use corporal punishment and be done?
twitter (feed #9) 3:18pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@templesmith Voted for Bob Barr did she?
twitter (feed #9) 3:19pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

Nathan et al, what comics are good this week? Is Walking Dead 54 out this week? Where is my next Invincible?
twitter (feed #9) 3:27pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

OK, even though I don’t have a dog in the fight, I think I want to avoid the politics on November 4th. Suggestions?
twitter (feed #9) 4:55pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

David Ben-Ariel Responds
twitter (feed #9) 4:55pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

AGH, It’s SNOWING !!!!! (somewhere in Ontario)
twitter (feed #9) 4:57pm Posted a tweet on Twitter.

@RevNathan How did I miss it… I’m gonna have to check that out.