Here’s where things get a great deal more interesting on this whole “Prank”
Usually, when you are going to perform a redirect as a prank, you use an A record to redirect the request, so is redirected to via an A record. In this case the redirect is a highly disrecommended CNAME or Canonical Nam pointing to an IP address the record reads like this VOTEFORTHEMILF.COM IN CNAME
This IP, whether you go to it via http:\\ or (which now seems to redirect to google in some cases) goes to a special Palin greeting.
All of this is kind of known, but I’m providing a summation that makes the “It was a prank” angle seem like a stupid bit of misdirection. How could the prankster have known that led to a special palin message? has no PTR record and is the A record of JOHNMCAIN.COM but NOT
The A Record for points to an aliased address from his DNS hosting provider:
Aliases: does not
Non-authoritative answer:
Visiting the IP of in your browser connects you to nothing.
Visiting the IP of in your browser connects you to a website.
Why would the webmaster of John Mcain’s website link a site to one IP and not the other? That’s more than odd. Here’s why, it’s the same amount of work to set it up, you can copy and paste one configuration to another and make it active so that WEB recquests for IP one and IP two will go to the same place, but in this case reqeusts initially bound for end up going to a special palin greeting. How could the prankster have pre-knowledge that the greeting would be there? I mean, if was a simple redirect to the IP, and the IP (in the case of the more popular does not connect to a configured website why would they imagine it would magically connect to a Palin related website?
This story is not over, not complete and the “prankster” isn’t giving up their secrets at all.
In the end, this is just a distraction, but it’s a fun tech mystery too, and what’s more fun on a Friday night than a fun tech mystery, right?
There really are some racist bastards out there
Published by NiteMayr on October 3, 2008As if this isn’t enough; this comment was added:
The Teacher was trying to make a joke (if the facts are presented correctly) a poor joke that might have been accepted from the mouth of a comedian, but not to a bunch of middle-school kids, right? That being said, if the semi-anonymous comments on the article are accurate, the teacher in question (Greg Howard) has been making loaded comments for a while now, while protected by the complacency of the school administration.
Myself, I’m not outraged, people say stupid crap all the time and laugh or tell inappropriate jokes, that’s the way of the world. I don’t think any one group is inferior to me because of how or to whom the are born; but I will certainly crack jokes at the expense of an individual or a group based on stereotypes, that’s kind of how humor works. Fat people like to eat, Hard Core Christians are willfully ignorant, smart people are nerdy and so on. Broad stereotypes form the foundation of some humor and I can’t condemn anyone for using them for humor’s sake. I can’t, however, condone slurs for the sake of a joke, especially to kids.
So Greg, I don’t envy you, you’ve put your foot right in your mouth, it’s time to either face the music and step down or weather the storm (if you can) and work for forgiveness. However, if you have an axe to grind with Obama, and this is how you express it; you probably deserve what’s coming.
From a web article the looks like parody about Toby Keith Backing Obama:
Did she call Obama a piece of filth?