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Day: April 28, 2009

Drinking with the Crazy

Doesn't that face say "Phallus Goes Here"?
Doesn't that face say "Phallus Goes Here"?

Don’t visit his page; it’s infectiously crazy.  DrinkwithBob is all about selling ads for his Mouth Stretching goods.  Not for me; not for you.  If you need yuor mouth stretched, let me suggest the Pear of Agony.  It’s less of a chore.

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-28

  • What happened to Damon’s Domain? #
  • BTW Facebreakers on the 360 is AWESOME #
  • It appears to be impossible to prove that there is a connectivity issue when the symptom is “it just doesn’t connect” I see the syn… #
  • My wife is online playing Gor Slave with mike riddel instead of doing the house work; over a year of unemployment has worked its magic! Yay! #
  • I really really dislike these people on Second Life; they’re like crack addicts with designs on spreading their lifestyle #
  • If you’re interested in knowing; I gave a rebel xt to Jen in order to give her another hobby and a wii and exercise gear and and and …. #
  • The Good news is that on April 19th I start working “days” so that I’ll be home in the evening; sometimes No SL at night, whoo! #
  • On a professional note; we suffered a heat issue over the weekend. No Damage, but lots of sweating. Lots. #

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