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Month: August 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-17

  • @RayS OOOOHHHHHHHHH That is what the doctor visits were for. How are we all now? #
  • @xenijardin I LoL’d like a maniac (if you change it before anyone sees it, you had a Mango avatar… classic, pure gold) #
  • – Oasis at JLC #
  • @almightygod Given that the sabbath is Saturday, why does it matter if I’m not giving up my Sunday morning? #
  • @markwilson12 Brown Eyed Girl, but for purely cultural reasons from my youth, not due to content. #
  • Upgraded blogs, fixed “flickr-draft- so it also held youtube videos in Draft, made my Manga face much more menacing, dropped front page #
  • Good News you missed this week: #
  • Wow, Fucking Sad: #
  • @almightygod sounded like a joke, 5000 years on Saturday then a switch in the mid 5500s? Sounded like shenanigans. Did you ask Iehova? #
  • @jephjacques Red Robin, Loved their Burgers, but wished their fries came naked. #
  • @michaelpinto Wish the Georgians hadn’t started it then. #
  • @michaelpinto Sorry, I should complete that thought, Russia is getting burned in the press over this, it really IS the Bush Admins fault. #
  • Disclaimer: The Russian Government could be evil as hell, but the Russian People (as well as Slavics/Asia major/Poles) are AWESOME #
  • Cabbage Soup for the Win, eh? #
  • @michaelpinto Sure, up until 1991.. (probably more like 1995…) that’s not excuse to turn on “your own people” with guns… #
  • Twitter makes me express myself in much smaller packages than I enjoy. It is like a brevity training seminar. #
  • @michaelpinto Idunno, If not for “assurances” from the Bush admin, it appears the Georgians might have just let S.Ossetia ‘escape’ #
  • God damn it write ‘toe the line’, TOE not TOW, it’s not about pulling a rope! Think “step up to the line” or “stand on this line”. #
  • Dear SL, I hate you, signed Kevin. #

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Review: Crossed #0: Crossed Prologue

Crossed Preview, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

So, where have you been hiding, comic fan? Over in Marvel and DC? In that nice shiny house on the hill, I bet you think that Vertigo comics are edgy too?

While DC and Marvel had quietly cast off the Comics Code, Avatar Press has some of the most violent, edy and REAL comics out there. Did you get a chance to read “Black Gas” , how about “Black Summer”, maybe you have read “Gravel”?

Avatar Press continues to be THE source for creator owned, outside the norm comics. Crossed is yet another great example of that work.  Like any good Apocalyptic fiction, the author throws the unsuspecting protagonists into a scenario that initially seems ridiculous  or unlikely, abruptly tossing them into the fire with no obvious hope for safety.   There is a reference to people becoming inured to the ridiculous by instantaneous media like Youtube or and I think there is something in that, if you saw a Zombie on the street eating an arm, wouldn’t you look for the camera too?

Garth Ennis continues to deliver Edgy comics and now that his Run on Punisher is over (boo) what can we look forward too?  Crossed.

Story by Garth Ennis, Art by Jacen Burrows

Check out my Reviews of Issues 1 and 2

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-15

  • @RevNathan Yah, it was hotter in the evening at my place than in the afternoon… humid too #
  • Working on project billy & delivering hardware at the same time. #
  • Chaned my “Face” all over the place… now I am a Cartoon #
  • Londoners, what the hell was going on last night around 12:30, about 20-30 emergency vehicles passed my place going west. Any ideas? #
  • @KVL I don’t/didn’t see any news about it. My first thought was “Finally, I get to test out my Zombie Survival Kit” given the sheer volume. #
  • @JCDean Bye OpenDNS Hello self-hosted and cached locally DNS #
  • mad that I could of have had a good working lunch instead of a food-less wait for a callback, still it is almost beer-o’clock. #
  • Good God, these Breaking News Spams are going like bonkers. Please “Rendition” the source to Jupiter, pretty please. #
  • Emptied the workbench at the other end of the shack loaded up the shelves for a move inside the office building #
  • “improved” my manga face: #
  • New possibly fake/viral ad blog to check out:
    Fun to read either way #
  • Wii Homebrew Notes…. Time to unpack the Wii #
  • @RevNathan I’m holding out hope for a software loader for old games. #

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Can anything go well when the Acronym in Misused?

A pocket logo with a K is on the front of the shirt with flames and the words “Fire Academy” on the back. Fire is an acronym for Freshmen Inspired by Rigorous and Relevant Education.

Kathleen High Freshmen Must Wear School T-Shirts

If the administrator that thought of the awesome idea of having a bunch of uncertain kids wearing a shirt with a flaming logo on it can’t even get the acronym in question correct, what future can the kids face?  The shirts are fairly dorky (flames? c’mon this is the aughts, not 1982) but the Acronym for the actual motto would be FIRRE, I imagine the phonetic ‘Furry’ didn’t fly with the principal.

Story: Project Billy Part 3

In the morning, Billy quietly showered and left before I got up, leaving me to check around for any lingering Pontiffs.  I found a couple hiding under his bed, but they were tiny.  I snatched them up and stuffed them into the disposal.  I didn’t really feel like carrying some crying popes around with me while I made my way to the office.

I caught up with Billy at the Coffee Stand downstairs in his building, he was nursing a chai tea and watching the floor intently; no doubt on watch for more minuscule ministers.  I ordered a house blend with two creams and two sugars and sat in a chair at his table.  I pulled out my notebook and surfed for news for a while, until Billy broke the silence.

“Hey Man, do you think I could move in with you?” he whispered over his tea.

Uhh, I dunno, my place isn’t any bigger than yours and I don’t think my disposal could handle all the extra work” I didn’t look up; but I know Billy wouldn’t have smiled at that one.  I had been carefully ginning up the level of stress around the Popes for the past couple of weeks, and it was really showing.  Billy was still taking care of his appearance, but his shirt was sloppy and his jeans looked like they hadn’t been washed in a while.  He didn’t stink, but he was starting to give off the impression of an emotionally disturbed person who should have been in long-term care.

“Oh, yeah, yeah.  Sorry Man, I know.  How about just over the weekend?  So I could sleep, you know?”  he sounded like he was going to plead, “just Friday, Saturday, okay?”

“Sure Billy, we can hit a show or something then crash at my place.  Hey, are you done with your part of the project?  I turned in the last of the code for section 2 last night.  As of this morning, I am out of the project.”  I leaned back and waited.

“No way! I’m about a week away, you know I can’t work after hours like you.  I don’t even know how you do it.”  Billy was crestfallen, we had been working at about the same pace until about a month ago, when the popes started popping up with so much frequency.  “Maybe I’ll spend Sunday on it and get caught up, or something”

“Sure, Billy.  Do you wanna head into the office?”

We gathered up our crap and left a tip in the karma jar on the counter.  I winked at the waitress who had served Billy and I, she smiled and gave me a little thumbs up.

As we walked to the subway, Billy was counting something, under his breath.  I didn’t ask.  Better to let him stew and work it out on his own.  I felt bad for what was going on with Billy, he was cracking and we really weren’t helping matters.  It was just much more important to the Project that we kept him “on edge”

I caught the eye of the Ticket Booth lady and paid for Billy and I.  Billy put on his headphones and nodded off; I tapped out a few notes about his behavior on my Cell phone and sms’d them to Mitzi.  Mitzi was keeping track of Billy’s behavior and the Popes.  Mitzi’s notes kept track of what was going on with Billy.

Billy snored a bit beside me and his head tipped back.  I snapped a shot of him and sent it off to Mitzi, he’d get all of this once we were out of the subway and I could connect to the network again.  Mitzi’s notes were surprisingly detailed, he had people all over watching Billy, like the waitress at the Coffee Stand and a couple of the people in his building.  Billy was probably only slightly less surveilled than your average Colombian Drug lord.

At our stop I shook Billy and he sleepily followed me out of the subway and into the office.  When Mitzi showed up to congratulate me on a job well done, he gave me the secret “hey” nod that meant “I’m going to call you into my office to talk about the real Project, be ready”

Billy had thrown himself into his work, in an effort to banish his problems from his head.  He ignored me when I got the call and left to speak to Mitzi.

“So, he’s popping out Popes like sweat now, huh?” Mitzi was more than excited.  “When do you think we can start moving on to other things? I’d really like to start him on Pokemon or something, we can sell those!”  Mitzi was actually rubbing his hands like a cartoon villain.  He was the Gay Blowfeld, better dressed, tanned and with better caps.  Mitzi kind of looked like a svelte Jim Jay Bullock, but about as moral as Gordon Gekko.  “Every time I look at Billy, I see a big money bag like Donald Duck’s uncle carted around, with a Dollar Sign on the side and gold dollar coins falling out of it.”  Mitzi was obviously lost in his fantasies about money.

“Mitzi, I’m not sure we can MAKE Billy produce what we want; it all seems to be totally unconscious, he doesn’t make the popes appear, they just do.  I’ve been considering that it isn’t even his subconscious.  I found some popes this morning, and none of them were familiar.  I had to dig around some history sites to find out that they were “False” popes from the middle ages.  That’s a really obscure subject, no wiki pages or anything.  Billy might be the center of these things, but he doesn’t seem to be making them happen”

Mitzi slumped back in his chair and tented his hands in front of him.  “How about this, we introduce him to a conspiracy that seems real, start prodding him with a convincing conspiracy of things that could make us cash, like the Knights Templar or something?”

“I don’t know.  I think once we start publicly talking about these or selling them Billy will catch on, he’s paranoid, not naive”

We both surrendered to silence for a bit while Mitzi considered what I said, I concentrated on his family photos and vacation shots.  Mitzi was so proud of his family, they had always supported him, but he was in love with money first.  Mitzi was a great administrator and had a savvy way of squeezing every buck out of the other divisions when we did work for them.  His accounting plans had been fleshed out across the firm and had earned him a great deal of respect at the board; but they were a bunch of old prejudiced farts who wouldn’t let him rise above middle management, due to his flamboyant nature.  One of the HR reps referred to Mitzi as “Machiavelli in Loafers” (except that Mitzi never wore loafers).

“Okay, let’s let him in on it!” Mitzi stood up and led me to the door.  When he opened it, Billy was standing there holding what looked like a Yellow Toy rat, “pika-poo” it squeeked and dropped a duce in Billy’s hand.

“Did you guys want to tell me something?” Billy Asked.

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-14

  • @Ultramegakungfu Your photos of the water at that behemoth of a hospital were great. #
  • @RevNathan Roger Roger #
  • Installing software on a remote PC. #
  • For those that are in the know, Pate is okay. #
  • The guy who introduces Lewis Black on “Anticipation” almost ruined it with “Lewis Bbb bBB bbb Blaaaaack!” No more of that please. #
  • I may regret this: every MST3K episode in AVI format: #
  • My desk just undid my shirt… I’m worried. #
  • @KVL beyond an sql statement, not that I am aware of. #
  • @KVL I didn’t think about it until I accidentally published 800 copies of the same 10 articles once… I used sql to clean them #
  • @KVL here ya go: UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_status` = ‘draft’ WHERE `post_status` = ‘publish’; #
  • I’ve heard of this Michael Phelps fellow, is he one of the Westboro Phelps? LoL #
  • Here’s a Message for the action man, “No Frankly, I’m not happy, why are you smiling?” #
  • Why doesn’t the rest of my family dig on playing “spot the reference” during middleman? #
  • I can’t read this thing, the author has the attention span of a 4-year old on a sugar high with three tvs tuned to three different shows #
  • @RevNathan Go for the gold and call her “Beautiful is her name as the sun coming over the mountain in the mists of the morning Worh”. #
  • @KVL no worries, I had to poke at my test database to remind myself of the syntax #
  • Good evening shack. It’s been a barrel of laughs today. #

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Review: Adopted Son

Adopted Son

A subtle invasion of earth has left a legacy of the alien among us.

Were it not for the lack of flow, this might have been a great novel, instead it is a chore and a boring one at that (with it’s serious over-reliance on technical details). I cannot recommend this book to anyone but the most dedicated Bureaucrat or Genetics Fanatic who needs good bedtime fodder. This is a great concept marred by poor execution, perhaps an editor will come along and re-arrange this work into a cogent novel.

My rating: 2.0 stars

Dominic Peloso may have a history of writing detailed reports and scholarly papers. At least One would hope he does. TinyGhosts is indicative of the style of writing that faces the reader; clever and clipped, I warn you of this now.

I also warn you that this is a fairly negative review of what is truly good material.

I could not read Adopted Son for more than 20-30 minutes at a time. The “Chapters” are short and choppy, but far from “to the point.” Scenes are told in sections, jumping in time over and over. It was jarring at first and then simply annoying. I skipped ahead, hoping that the “chopped military report” style would taper into traditional narrative, only to put the book down and gently weep for my future.

I can’t tell you anything about this book to make it more interesting that the concept, which is GREAT! The concept is that Aliens have germinated their seed in the genetic structure of people across the globe and scientists are rushing to understand the implications of it, while alien children grow up among us. It’s fairly awesome as a concept, but the execution was horrifyingly bad. Add to this that the author claims to have written this before 2001, he had 5 years to edit it and make it palatable to the general public. Alas, he has not.

If you're going to be funny…

Be as funny as this:


posted by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing at 5:25 PM on August 13 [1 favorite]

Attached to Goooooood Morning Norway!